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Jeff Leites

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Everything posted by Jeff Leites

  1. "Hail Hail Rock 'n Roll" - Bill Haley and his Comets Bet you thought I was going to say Chuck Berry
  2. "Chain of Fools" - Aretha Franklin I never cared much for this one.
  3. "Pink Shoelaces" - Dodie Stevens Hush - Thanks for catching my error in time. I had to reach way back to my childhood memories for this one.
  4. "Other Side" - Mandrake Memorial I'll get all their stuff in here before I'm done
  5. "After Pascal" - The Mandrake Memorial I've worked in another of Craig's tunes from the soundtrack of my college days.
  6. "Today" - Jefferson Airplane Beautiful ballad by Marty Balin and Paul Kantner
  7. "More Today Than Yesterday" - The Spiral Starecase Another memory from my college days :-)
  8. I've got Craig covered again Loved this song, but preferred the more dynamic live version. "To a Lonely" - Mandrake Memorial
  9. Here's a real moldie oldie! Loved to dance to it in Jr. High! "Daddy's Home" - Shep and the Limelites
  10. How could I have missed this earlier? It's one of my favorites. Another tip of the hat to Craig Anderton - "Here I am" - Mandrake Memorial
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