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Everything posted by harmonychiq

  1. So, I did an open-mic last week and I ended up getting really sick. Is it better to bring your own mic or is there any benefit to sanitizing the community mic? Do the crevices of the grill make it impossible to sanitize the community mic?
  2. Hi, I'm a singer song writer who is looking for a device, or devices that will allow me to dial in the effects section of my vocal signal. Specifically I'm looking for compression, reverb and delay. I'd like pretty detailed control over these parameters, I want a high quality studio sound, that uses these effects in a subtle way. For example, the compression, I want the basic controls such as ratio knee, attack, release, threshold. For reverb and delay, I want multiple styles along with decay, mix, saturation, level, etc. I've found only a couple pedals made my TC, BOSS, Flamma that have what I'm looking for but they don't seem very robust. For example, the TC Helicon VoiceTone T1 compression pedal, which they advertise as a tone pedal, only has 2 knobs. Is there a company like Keeley making portable effects for vocals? Are guitar compressors, reverbs, delays interchangeable for vocals? ie. Could I buy guitar effects and somehow use them on vocals? Also, how would you get away with the guitar being 1/4" and the microphone being XLR?
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