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Everything posted by xrleroyx

  1. If other places are so much better, why are you here bitching about here? I like this place. I've found some really cool people here. Same wish OSG and ILF.
  2. I honestly don't think that there are many people here who care about their playing or their tone. Threads that actually have something interesting about gear get pushed to page two in favor of "Korean guitars are...; Chinese guitars are..; Why would anyone buy ..." I do this because it's kind of cool talking shop with a bunch of other guitar players. I don't know anyone in rea life who is into guitar playing or guitar gear as much as I am.
  3. ...but it's super cool. So are cranked twins. But where can you do that?
  4. What about an acoustic or something completely different? Check out an epi explorer?
  5. Hm, thanks for all the replies. You've given me quite a bit to think over! Foremost, though, I won't buy the amp unless I can talk it down to $350. I'd noticed the Bogner Alchemist sale earlier, but that got me thinking: there's likely a reason why these amps are being blown out. I want to buy an amp which I'll use forever, not a flavor of the week which I trade out later. Ideally, I'd like to have a Fender combo for cleans, a Mesa of some sort, and a Vox of some sort. I loved my Bogner Alchemist. It really has it's own tone. It's the most dynamically responsive amp I've ever played. How much are they going for?
  6. I'm looking to trade my Bogner for a cheaper/smaller amp and a little cash. I'm talking like no more than $300. NO BITES.
  7. D'Angelico New Yorker even one of the Korean ones. I'd really like to try one of the ones from the 30's or 40's though. Even if they're worth more than my house. My jazz prof plays that exact guitar.
  8. Wood rasp first, dowels with sandpaper wrapped around them, then sandpaper around your finger.. That is the correct order of operations for this job. Power tools will go badly, quickly. Agreed. It takes forever, but it's worth it.
  9. I've owned scalloped boards and I've owned super jumbo frets before, and there is a difference. Scallops are a lot of fun. Give it a shot, and I bet you'll do just fine. Just don't throw a Dremel at it, or else this could happen: (I can't see Photobucket here at work, so I'm posting from a quote of the photo I want to show you.. It should be a really fubarr'd scallop job..) That's what mine originally turned out to be :x but after a few years, I got the skills to restore it. i've got some nice frets on it, refined the fretboard, smoothed it all out. It's a cool guitar. If you use a dremel, tape the frets like 900 times, or remove them and get some refretting tools.
  10. Ah, didn't notice the date. Just saw the shady 2-post member bumpin' I guess.
  11. I've got a '09 USA Strat, rosewood neck with a 3 color burst, mint. Only blemish I found was less than a millimeter on the headstock. Comes with heavy-duty Fender HSC. PM for pics.
  12. He roller-coaster, he got early warning He got muddy water, he one mojo filter He say "One and one and one is three" Got to be good-looking cos he's so hard to see Come together right now over me Oh Come together Yeah come together Yeah come together Yeah come together Yeah come together Yeah come together Yeah come together Yeah oh Come together Yeah come together It's all symbolism....
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