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Posts posted by isaac42

  1. Hm, good question.

    I repaired the passive radiators on my speakers several years ago; I don't remember what I used for adhesive. Whatever came with the surrounds from Parts Express.

  2. Worked well. With two buckers in series, the output was pretty high. Instant distortion on my home practice amp. Sounded pretty good at band practice. I was afraid that the low resonance would make it sound muddy, but it was fine. Definitely different. One thing about having the pickups in series is that turning down the volume on either pickup reduces the overall volume a bit. Doesn't completely kill the volume, as happens with Gibson wiring. 

    I noticed a couple of things. One is the loss of highs when turning down the volume. I'll probably put in a treble bleed. The other is how quickly the volume went down. I've read that this is a characteristic of using audio taper pots for volume control. Never really made sense to me, as audio taper pots were invented for volume control, but there it is. Probably an impedance thing. So I'll want to try some linear taper pots and see how those work.

  3. Ha! Success!

    Turned out that the bridge volume control was bad. Replaced the cheap Chinese pot with a slightly less cheap Korean pot, and now everything works. Pickups are in series, with independent volume controls. Tone control is common to both. I'll play with it this afternoon, then take it to band practice tomorrow to put it through its paces.

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  4. Progress so far.
    When I went to pull off the knobs, one of the shafts came out with the first one. Cheap Chinese pots. "That's okay," I said to myself, "I have some cheap plastic pots of my own!" Unfortunately, on mine, the bushing isn't long enough to get through the wood and thread the nut onto it.
    The bushing on my cheap Chinese pots is too short; won't extend far enough to get the nut threaded onto it.
    So I dug around and found one that will work. But the bushing diameter was too large, so I had to drill out the mounting hole a bit. Fortunately, I had the right drill bit on hand.
    Did the wiring and... it doesn't work. Troubleshooting mode now, trying to figure out what, if anything, I did wrong.
  5. Took it to band practice Tuesday. Everything worked. Doesn't sound like my usual Rics, but why would I expect it to? Humbuckers, a bit darker; lower resonance frequency on the pickups, no doubt. Little difference in sound between the two pickups, which I find interesting.

    Next step: wire for series operation, and see how that sounds.

  6. On 12/25/2023 at 2:28 AM, nbaptsta said:

    My main issue with the HB is the weight! Reviewers says that HB is heavy!

    Your call. I mainly play Rics, which run about 9 lbs. I have one that's about 13 lbs, and I agree, that's heavy. I also have lighter basses. A Glarry is 6, maybe 7. Cheap, too, at least here in the States. I got mine for $87. They tend to be more now.

  7. The HB wouldn't have to be a better bass. If it's as good, at a lower price point, it's a better buy.

    The thing is, though, that whatever you buy can be modified or upgraded down the line, should you so desire. As badpenguin said, play them, if possible to see what suits you. I'd say, especially in terms of feel. Does the neck feel good in your fretting hand? Does it sound good all by itself, not plugged in? Pretty much everything else can be changed. Better/different pickups, strings and electronics. Better setup. A bit of fretwork, if necessary. All can make a difference.

    I am not personally familiar with either model. With the SX costing half again as much as the HB, I'd go HB unless there were a compelling reason not to.

  8. I'm getting a piano. Inheriting it. I'm the only musician in the family, so it seems logical. Either I get it, or it goes away. Mom always wanted me to have it, anyway.

    We've had it as long as I can remember, though my brothers remember when we got it. It's a Winter&Co upright grand. Full keyboard, only two pedals. The soft pedal doesn't work the same way as on a grand, but that's the way it is. Doesn't matter, as I don't have room for even a baby grand.

    Piano will be delivered tomorrow, midday.

    Meanwhile, having cleared out a space for the piano, I currently have a bit of empty wall. I have taken this opportunity to take a pic.


    This a 1978 Rickenbacker 4001 in BurgundyGlo. It has Bartolini pickups. Some don't care for them, but like them quite a bit.

    At some point, likely when the Barts were installed, something got changed in the wiring such that the Ric-O-Sound doesn't work. I should probably fix that one of these days. Meanwhile, it works fine with the STANDARD (mono) output. Sounds great, though not as bright as a stock Ric.

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  9. 15 hours ago, DeepEnd said:

    Not that I'd know but I'd expect an 8-string bass to be a niche instrument.

    Very much so. Not many bands would find it right for even a full set, let alone full time.

    I understand that the bassist for King's X uses a 12-string bass! I don't know why anyone would want not one, but two octave strings, but he's not me.

    Cheap Trick has also used a 12-string bass: https://www.12stringbass.net/cheap-trick-discography

  10. I promise, I'll get back to this. Someday.

    Meanwhile, I finished up the fashion show for our new band member today. She's seen all of my basses except the acoustic-electric Ovation.

    Today was the Hagstrom 8-string. I also brought the H8 strung for 4, because the 8 tires my hand quickly. I always figured that it was the 8 strings, but now I'm not so sure.

    Two weeks ago, I took the H8 strung for 4, and noticed that my hand got tired. Shouldn't, as the Hags are short scale, so ought to be easier to play, not harder. I gave it some thought, and checked the nut depth. Sure enough, the E string was high. The extra effort to push the string down on the lower frets can tire a player out pretty quickly. So, I took it down to my local guitar shop and he filed down the nut slot a bit. Played it today, and it was much better.

    Playing the 8 tired my left hand out quickly. Sure enough, the nut slots are too shallow on that one, too. I switched after only one song (though we had played that one several times, trying to get it right). Played the other Hag for a while, then switched back for Sophia, in which I have a short lead. Sounded really good! Did not sound as good on Death of a Gremmie. That one seems to want more punch than the 8 strings seem to have.

    Dunno if I'll use the H8 in performance. I guess we'll see. That's still a ways in the future. Meanwhile, it's in the shop for a setup. Should be much easier to play when i get it back.

  11. No doubt. By the time that one disappeared, I don't think he was even playing it anymore. I suppose that's why it was in storage.

    But I recall reading something a year or two ago, someone said to him, "You should play the Höfner." Not a Höfner, the Höfner. I assumed that his first one was meant, but I must have been wrong. Maybe I'm misremembering, I dunno. Don't suppose it matters much.

  12. I didn't know it was missing. Seems to me that I've read interviews where he's said that he's played several Höfners, but they didn't sound like his old one, so he always played that one on recordings, but took a different one on tour. Makes sense not to take a special bass on tour; too many ways for bad things to happen. But if his original Höfner disappeared in '69, what's the old one he's been playing off and on since then? I dunno.

    Anyway, if you know of any old Höfners laying around, might check them out.


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