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Everything posted by edremy

  1. Your 17...sound like you'll be going off to college soon anyway....and you can't take a car....and it's not a good idea to take the guitar. Why not take the guitar? There's a ton of easier and better stuff to steal in a typical student's room, like the laptops. Bring something like a pocket pod and practice through headphones so you don't piss off the neighbors, but that's not hard. If you need to actually move the molecules in the air, colleges have music practice rooms that have some degree of soundproofing. Hell, we had a guy in my dorm that brought a set of bagpipes. Now *that's* an instrument you just can't freaking hide from. He ended up practicing in the woods behind the stadium most of the time, and it was still loudloudloud. Better than the AR-15 my grad school roomie brought
  2. Well, I've been trying to beat the damn Guitar Battle with Slash on Guitar Hero 3 on medium for a while now and just can't manage it, but I did crush Tom Morello on the first try
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