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Count Chocula

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  1. That is true, for sure. But for me, rap is terrible music. The reason the music industry pushed is because it is one of the easiest genres to produce and made/makes more money than real music in relation to time and energy put into the end results. That too is fact. Actually, it was because people started seeing through their scheme of generating pop hits through Swedish songwriters + random girls picked up from the mall. Plus, historically, rap music has been very very weak in terms of album sales despite their supposed "low production costs." Even then, the legal costs or royalties required for clearing a sample for use may equal or offset the costs of recording live instruments. [non-rap example: Verve / Bittersweet Symphony] In the end, if the music is crap, it's crap, regardless of what genre it is. You show me a Soulja Boy, I'll show you a Nickelback. Fair enough?
  2. The AC15 is 45 lbs, I believe. Mine feels that heavy, anyway.Your AC15 must be eating healthy, because mine is 70 lbs.
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