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Mark Blackburn

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Everything posted by Mark Blackburn

  1. On previous page the Frank Sinatra live TV version of Here's That Rainy Day (arranged by Don Costa) "Video no longer available (copyright)" so . . . another gem of a live TV performance of Johnny Carson's favorite song HERE'S THAT RAINY DAY: Tommy Newsome, Doc Severinsen:
  2. Even a genius needs coaching (eventually) to spot the fault that's holding you back. A thought triggered by this: Below the video of ROUNDERS (1998) "Faceless Man" (3 years ago) wrote: "Matt Damon doesn't do so well in real life poker! LOL." [Compelled to respond:] Yes, and thanks for the reminder of a universal sports truism: that the greatest players are not good coaches. And the corollary: the best coaches in the world are those who never got near a world championship. But they can tell you, a stranger, to pick up the football, or the golf club, or the pool cue and say: 'Okay, let's see how you do it.' Then spot the one thing that is holding you back. A friend, a former world snooker champion, Canada's Cliff Thorburn, took a flight to England just to see that nation's greatest snooker coach, Frank Callan. Cliff said, "In five minutes Frank had spotted what I was doing wrong." [and] "It was worth the trip, just for that five minutes." [We now return to our regularly-scheduled programming.]
  3. SINATRA – Summer Me, Winter Me Edit Post Reply Reply With Quote
  4. In Canada Superbowl commercials are blacked out (long story, not very interesting) and next day we go in search of compilations, like this one. They asked 'What's your favorite?' I responded: At 2:47 The returning astronauts popping open their capsule, bobbing in the ocean "Where is everyone?" Back at Mission Control they're applauding a stack of Pringles. Same with a passing freighter -- the Scandinavian crew having too much fun to notice what's bobbing in the sea off the port side of their ship. Funniest commercial I have ever seen. Apart from the opening 'every time it rains, it rains lemons from heaven.' As a great jazz violinist once said: "Open strong, and finish strong, and the middle will take care of itself." Case in point. Deepest thanks Jake's Top 10 for sharing this compilation of "The funniest 2021 Superbowl Commercials."
  5. I remember back when cassettes were new (early 80s) and "Stan" the weatherman at our TV station in Winnipeg, danced into the newsroom -- big smile, humming and snapping his fingers, listening to his Walkman. He was listening to a Sinatra album and said: "I bought it just for my favorite song -- 'Summer Wind' -- playing right now. Shhh ...." "Comments are turned off. Learn more." A pity.
  6. p.s. New, latter-day Hi-Def version (2020) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TYbNaFnU4Eg
  7. Harry Nilsson with Gordon Jenkins & London Symphony musicians - "in concert" (1973)
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