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Everything posted by TalkShowMan

  1. OK, it's my turn. I present to you two mixes of songs by buddies of mine whom I'm helping with the recording of their respective EP and album. I am a home recording novice, I have been learning the craft for the last two years, but am still very much finding my way, especially with the art of mixing. Anyway, I've been working on these mixes recently and have got them as good as I can get them without a fresh set of ears, so here I am. Basically any feedback, criticism, thoughts, or advice would be really appreciated. Assume I have no idea of what I'm doing and you'll get an idea of where I'm at. "Kicked Off The Planet" - Geoff Gatt http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/336056/KICKEDMIXMP3.mp3 "The Girl Who Loves You So" - Ellen Turley http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/336056/GIRLMP3.mp3 (Both files are 256kbps MP3 files, peaking at -1.5dbfs in Sonar) A few brief recording details; MICS - Generally Rode NT2a condensers, but also SM57s, BETA 57s, Blue Bluebird condenser, Sontronics Sigma ribbon. PRES - Focusrite Saffire Pro26 pres, and a TL Audio Fat-Funker tube preamp. DAW - Sonar 7 on a Fujitsu Laptop running Focusrite Liquid-Mix and more. I'm advising both artists to get their songs mastered by someone who really knows what they're doing, and wouldn't blame them if they asked someone more proficient to mix them too, but I likes a challenge and would like to get the mixes good enough for mastering. To that end, that's the sort of feedback I really need (but fire away with any other thoughts too). So, what do you reckon? If you have any questions about the recording fire away and I'll happily answer them. Most of all, I hope you enjoy the tunes. Peace out y'all.
  2. Sister: http://soundclick.com/share?songid=7106679 I mixed ITB and did some mastering as far as I can using digitalfishphones Endorphin, a TC Native EQ and the George Yohng W1 Limiter. Hi KillerV Really interesting song to listen to (Sister, that is). Certain elements sound like something you could hear on mainstream radio, while certain elements are nearly there but not quite right (in my humble opinion). I think the snare needs a bit more work to make it sound consistently good. There are parts of the song when I think it sounds great, but for the most part it's just a little flat. Also, I think the guitars (specifically the parts at the start), need a bit more brightness and perhaps bite to them. Other than that, I too think you should look into doing something with the vocals, just to give them a little bit more identity, be it double tracking, harmonies, FX, whatever you think yourself. Anyway, I think you've done a fantastic job. I'll be back to check out the other songs, but for now I've got some posting of my own to do. Well done.
  3. New tune, studio reworked since last time. http://www.geoffreywelchman.com/images/Hit_the_Spot.mp3 Drums are getting better, and I'm happy with the general vibe and the pan lay-out . . any thots on the bassiness? I like it, but would be interested to hear if it sounded too bottomy on anyone's system. tanks. Hi geoffrey, had a listen to "Hit The Spot", I like it. Regarding the bass levels (and this is based on me listening on laptop speakers), I didn't find the bass that obvious or well defined. I can hear lead and rhythm guitars, but no definite bass guitar. Now, obviously I'm not going to get gut-busting bass on a laptop, and I don't know if that's what you were going for, but as so so many people choose to listen on crappy systems these days isn't it important to get a response from someone listening that way? But hey, I'm pretty cloth eared. Ok, now that I've rationalised and covered myself from rebuke, let me say that I really liked the mix. Great guitar tones, double tracked vocals are always good in my book, and yes those drums sound good. Only thing I would say is that it's a little polite at times. Smear a bit more grime on the vocals, the drums, the bass, well on everything really. I just think your song could growl a little more. Anyhow, just my 0.02 worth, I hope it's of some use to you, and if not feel free to disregard me. I am a mere novice at the end of the day.
  4. Hi Everyone! Well, I've finally gotten something finished and have worked up the nerve to post it here and see what people think about it. It's the first song on my Soundclick and ReverbNation pages called "Hey Gwen." It was inspired by the (then) upcoming birth of my first child. (She's 3 mo. old now)......The only disclaimer I'll offer to start with is that the 128k mp3 on both pages sounds a good bit "swishier" in the highs on the cymbals than it does for me playing the original local file at home. Gotta love the internet. Hi Brownte (and everyone else for that matter). I'll be looking some feedback of my own very soon so I hope you don't mind me reviewing your mix to kick the whole thang off. Anyhow, I liked your song. I'm a sucker for big harmonies and backing vocals, so my first suggestion would be to make them more prominent throughout the song. Regarding the main vocals, I had trouble hearing all the words. I think this is maybe an eq situation, or it may be that you need to bump them up a bit more. I think that when you mix your own songs you tend to be more conscious about the vocals and not push them as much as you might for someone else. Bump 'em up, it's the main thing people will be hearing anyway, so give the folks what they want. Other than that no criticism from me, I like the guitar tones and wouldn't have thought you were using drum samples if you hadn't pointed it out (but then I am quite cloth-eared). Well done my good man, well done indeed. Oh, and just to point out, I'm listening on quite lo-fi laptop speakers. Hardly cutting edge audiophile quality but it's all subjective anyways, isn't it?
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