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Everything posted by vidiot72

  1. Who was it? Is he on this board? Where is he?
  2. My pleasure man! I really like to be able to give all those nameless headstocks an identity! I feel almost like I've helped to name a child....OK well maybe not. It is pretty cool though!
  3. Hey that's pretty cool man. I was a bass player years ago but I don't know if I have ever seen double p p/u's cool man! Alot of other guys got their decals today too, I'm hoping to see some more pics!
  4. Man that looks great! I'm glad it turned out so good! How about the rest of the Bass? Let's see the whole thing!
  5. Cool man! Hey check this out that I did for pinchegordo this weekend to go on the back of his headstock.
  6. I did a big print session last night and will be sending out several sets of decals today. Please let me know what you guys think when you get them!
  7. Some different images I can use in the decal. These look really cool against light wood. If you want something specific just let me know, I can probablly do it. Picture of your kids, dog, naked girlfriend, guitar...whatever!
  8. Got it! Here's my Tele. I just did it and haven't done the laquer yet but just another example. There are some reflections, those aren't flaws. I'm doing a test on a black headstock guitar as soon as the ink dries so I'll post those up in a few hours. Black is looking like a real pain so I may have to keep those really simple.
  9. I don't know man, never done it before. I could give it a shot I suppose. If I can't do pearl look I could certainly do something...I guess that's better than nothing, right? PM me the before and after! If I can't fix it I (for some bizarre reason have some mother of toilet set around here somewhere that I could send you. You could take it to someone and really get it done proper, that would probably be real pricey though.
  11. Here is a sample, this is my strat...I am about to trade out some tuing gears so I haven't sprayed the laquer coat yet. It gives a pretty good idea though.
  12. I got this man! I'm going home and I'm gonna figure this {censored} out! How much space do I have?
  13. I am going to have to do a test print for that man. I am "working" now but I'll give it a shot tonight hopefully.
  14. Somebody give me some more so I don't have to use a whole sheet for 4!
  15. There was a guy that was wanting like a dozen of these and I accidentally deleted his contact info. If you read this pm me your number again please!
  16. Thanks man! I am sending everyone's out this afternoon. Hey T, if you look at the post with all the little pinup's on it, I sent you one of the little space girls if I remember correctly. It's really small and should fit on the headstock at the tip where it kinda rounds off. I put one on mine last night and it looks really good! Let me know what you guys think after you get them put on and everything.
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