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Everything posted by ChristianRock

  1. It is God's duty to be the judge of that, not yours. Unless you believe your opinion is greater than the will of God (which is rather blasphemous), its a bit redundant to even consider such matters. I happen to have a bible (or ten). And yeah, what force am I using? My wonderful biceps? The Force? My charm? Or some other force I'm not aware of?
  2. Have you seen it? NO. It is without bias. Because, sir, secular people know how to acknowledge and appreciate things without evoking their own inherent personal beliefs. Let me ask you this...GWB never tried to overturn Roe v. Wade. He promsied to while he was campaigning, but he made no attempt to once in office. Isn't he just as guilty as the people who support choice? How do you know whether a I saw it or not? You just assume, like everybody always assumes stuff, I'd think you'd know better because you of all people always complain of stereotyping. I saw a good part of it. Couldn't stomach the whole thing. GWB appointed two supreme court justices that would overturn Roe v. Wade if they were given the chance. You think that's not doing anything? It's doing more than anyone has done since 1973. You are completely uninformed.
  3. The Christian Right has mobilized voting habits for conservatives. This is true. They are, demographically, the ones that got Bush elected both times. They're actually proud of it. Go watch Jesus Camp. It's actually non-biased...I promise. LOL. This makes me seriously Jesus Camp was made by Nancy Pelosi's daughter. Surely she didn't have any bias I am an evangelical christian. I would have voted for Bush if I could. I would vote for McCain if I could. What are all the curse words people can throw at me for that? I'd do it for my conscience, too. I believe all who voted for pro-abortionist candidates will have to answer to murder one day before the throne of God. In other words, if democrats would not go for policies that go completely against christian moral and belief, maybe they could blame evangelicals for not voting for them. It's like the Bacon Party asking for the vegan vote, if I can use that as a comparison, and then getting mad when they don't get their vote.
  4. I think it's absurd that you keep saying most people here are out to get you and would like to see you dead because you're a Christian. And by the way, that comment was not to be taken literally (as evidenced by the presence of a smiley ). It was like "GTFO, go lie dead somewhere". The fact that you think it was literal and had to make such a strong statement, on the other hand, is kind of troubling to me.
  5. It's always about "Jesus hatemongers", "pseudo-christian idiots" and all that stuff. Every leftist I know blames evangelical christians for 8 years of Bush administration, and thinks that literal bible belief is what makes Palin an abomination (I also believe the bible literally, am pro-life, etc). But go on, I guess my attempt to derail the thread has failed
  6. Well, as a bible-believing evangelical Christian I believe 95% of the people in this thread would probably like me to lie dead somewhere. At least from reading the 8 pages in this thread, it seems like there's a lot of gnashing of teeth going on against christianity here. (Might as well bring in the underlying theme of christianity which is present in the election, and make this whole thread implode )
  7. (teh Tasha reference? who's Tasha and why is it funny to mention her?)
  8. If you ask around in RolandClan and nobody else is having the issue, you probably have a faulty unit. Maybe something similar to what Jordan Ruddess had, when his keyboard transposed to a different key and there's nothing he could do to get it back. Amusing Read
  9. Have you heard of the Roland Clan forum? They have a lot of information on the Fantom G over there... http://forums.rolandclan.info If you have the original OS that came on the Fantom G you will have a LOT of bugs including global changes, but I think a lot of that has been fixed with their newer OS release. You'll find update instructions there, too, in their FAQ.
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