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Everything posted by chunky-b

  1. "Can't fix stupid." I got road raged this morning. Was exiting a traffic circle (that's a whole other story) and the line of cars in front of me all stayed in the left lane and were going 10-15 below speed limit. So I signaled and moved to the right lane to pass everyone (I know the left lane is for passing and the right lane is for riding, at least on this side of the pond, but they don't). As I move over, the Ford Explorer in front of move whips over in front of me, causing me to slam on brakes and the driver starts waving his hands and cussing/yelling at me. People are stupid and crazy. I just sit there behind him a second. He isn't speeding up, he isn't passing the slow cars. he is riding beside them to box me in. So I move back to the left lane. By now he is getting really animated and I see him looking out the drivers window waiting for me to pull up beside him. I know better, so i wait for him to slow down and the car ahead of me to move on, and fly past him and he swerved over like he was going to side swipe me. I just out ran him and turned into my office complex to get out of sight before he followed me to a parking space... I hate stupid people...
  2. Originally Posted by frunobulax Glad there was grass there and not solid concrete!!!
  3. (6 members & 137 guests) Wow!
  4. Originally Posted by niomosy They have their moments. I've stayed out of that thread though I've gotten into other threads like that at times. I can understand the break. I've taken them at times as well when I just felt I was on the outside looking in. On a side note, I suspect more of them here for a bit. eBassist's giving me a database error right now. Those don't normally sound all that good. Well I better go help Thuddy clean up the place and put some folding chairs out if we are going to have company soon...
  5. Originally Posted by niomosy What happened? I don't want to bash another forum, but I made the personal decision to leave EB over the narrow minded group think, stereotyping, and hateful bashing of anyone who does not think or believe exactly like the clique. (Mostly in the Chik-fil-A thread.) Got tired of the intolerance and left. It was no longer a discussion, just a bandwagon hate session. No biggie. Now I hang out here with the tumbleweeds and Thudmaker.
  6. Originally Posted by niomosy Ebassist is down for me. Not getting there at work and can't get there from my phone, either. I was hoping it wasn't just me having problems with both work and Verizon at the same time. Did you get runoff, too?!?!
  7. Originally Posted by Jazz Ad There are more posts in this thread alone than what's been posted for a year on HCBF. Sacre bleu!!!!
  8. Whoa!!! Someone else from MS and with 2 posts it's a museum?!?
  9. Wow.. Stickying the TK... isn't that a violation of some UN treaty? ? Have I told y'all lately how awesome my Peavey Tour TNT 115 is?
  10. I actually got my bass out and played for awhile last night... Got to get things organized where I can do that more often.
  11. I've posted in several Thrustin Threads and they immediately dropped off the front page... I am the new THRUSTIN THREAD KILLER!! I am the greatest! I have the Kryptonite!!! I am SOOOOOO awesome!!!
  12. I just had a discussion with a co worker about odd words we still use in our normal speech... When is the last time you DIALED the phone (or saw a phone with a dial on it)? ? When is that last time you were able to TURN the channel or volume up on the TV?
  13. My random observation of the day... I parked next to a late model cadillac at my office this morning and it had a personalized vanity plate that read: UNOMAS2 So with translation the tag read "One More Two" Idiots and their money?!?!?
  14. Yubby, I misread a couple of posts and thought it said you haz the "lube"... Now I know you is all about the lub...
  15. Okay... So I thought I was having a bad day / week... I knew not to air my dirty laundry on here cause HH would have jumped all on me and called me a {censored} or something... But the ex is two payments behind on child support, the orthodontist she greed to pay for can't collect from her, and now the kids prep school says she is two months behind on tuition with them... My truck died this morning. On the day that we are having an open house at work with the Governor, Congressman, and all kinds of lessor politicians. Then coming back from lunch I see something that made my problems feel insignificant... A Porsche off the road in the bushes in pieces, wrapped round a few fence posts. If I had not been on my phone, I would have stopped and taken a picture. Now the guy who {censored}ed up and totaled that little gem of German engineering is having a {censored}tier day than I... Man I feel better about myself already!!!
  16. We had a tray of left over sandwiches in the fridge from a company meal on Tuesday. So I go to the trouble to get two halves out, get mustard and fixings, get back to my desk and take a bite... Ends up they are both on PUMPERNICKEL... Not a good taste when you aren't expecting it!!!
  17. The place where I work shut down at 11:00 and we all carpooled to the state fair for lunch... I got foot long pronto pup, funnel cake, etc... Mmmmm.... Fair food!!!!
  18. Originally Posted by Bonoman User Name Posts oldivor 3,324 niomosy 2,956 Zamfir 2,056 el_duderino676 962 Bonoman 953 Still alive, and still in the top five. Is it really you??? Bonoman lives!!!!!
  19. Originally Posted by Super_Donut_Man Its all those burritos and tacos... They pretty much crushed my childhood dreams of being in the olympics. I heard on the radio the other day that Mexico's olympic team was kind of slim since everyone who can jump, swim, and run has already fled to the US!!
  20. Originally Posted by niomosy I used to have that. A double-fridge with soda, milk, etc. Espresso machine (nice one, too). Coffee machine. Cabinets stocked with chips, fig newtons, cereal, etc. Lunch every Wednesday. Ahhh, good times. Of course, these days I'd be steering clear of the snacky stuff for the most part. Not exactly good for the waistline yeah, but they also pay us $60 a month extra if we go to the gym 12 times a quarter!!! So it balances out!
  21. They just restocked our snack cabinet at work... Free slim-jim, cheez-its, and a free coke... Hmmm... And this was after the catered chinese lunch! I love my job...
  22. it's 3:30pm here, I am sleepy as can be, it's thundering outside and I have a softball game schedule for tonight...
  23. I am the new thread killer... I actually posted an ON TOPIC bass question and got no response this morning This is not another example of geographical discrimination is it?
  24. So who has some big plans for the 4th of July (US holiday for the international types) ??? I think we are taking the dirt toys out Honda 80, 100, 150, 230 dirt bikes Kawasaki Prairie 650 Kawasaki Mule (x2) Carter Borthers 2 seater Go-Kart and have a big time tomorrow. Then cookout and fireworks...
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