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Everything posted by noiseannoys

  1. I can't say for sure what this particular guitar and case smelled like, but I think some of you are underestimating the persistence and strength of some odors. I once purchased a guitar that reeked so badly that I couldn't play it or get near it - the case was even worse. This was a $1000+ guitar, and I am by no means a wealthy person, yet still I would not play it. The smell did not go away either, no matter what how much I tried to clean it out. So, I'm just saying, don't underestimate how affective it might have been.
  2. I think I misunderstood the situation in my last post; I thought Gegg&H had bought a guitar that smells bad. Seems the guitar was returned to him in that condition... In that case it is utterly unacceptable for IndianScout not to compensate him for a new case and the cost of cleaning. If you return something significantly altered from its initial state then you should expect to have to pay; it's pretty simple. $200 is a pretty conservative amount to ask for. If IndianScout wants to make things right, he should pay at least that much.
  3. If you didn't note in the description of the item that it had a strong odor, then you should compensate Gegg&H as requested. I once purchased a rather expensive guitar that smelled awful. I could have dealt with cosmetic blemishes, but a strong odor can make the guitar completely useless. If he had to spend a significant amount of money fixing the issue, then in the interest of being honorable you should treat the situation the same as any good seller would in case an item arrives damaged or not as described. Though, considering IndianScout's character this may be an unreasonable expectation. Given the situation, Gegg&H may get the best possible compensation from just accepting the $64.
  4. PM'd you back. Still drooling over your guitar.
  5. That probably is the greatest SG ever. I really love the design. If I had the funds I'd snatch that up right away.
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