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Everything posted by noisebloom

  1. when I first got the catalog my first thought was cocker spaniel...
  2. Sorry. I forget to not be honest on message boards cause people get all sensitive when you don't like something they do. Didn't say they were bad, just don't like them. But, like I said. I wound up liking that he was there. He was pretty interesting. You're right, some people have a certain sensitivity to "hate" and its many permutations, however benign its intentions may have been. Anyway, I'm glad you liked the movie and came away with a positive perspective about The Edge.
  3. I did think the Edge was an odd choice to mix with the other two based on a pure talent level (and the fact that I kind of hate U2) I read the word "hate" and I stopped reading shortly after. So I had missed the "redeeming quality" after that.
  4. -JP was pretty down to earth as well for being a "rock god". And I also loved how he still seemed like a little kid who still has that magical love of music and playing guitar (like air guitar-ing to link wrtay) That was probably my favorite moment in the movie. Page still has the enthusiasm of a little boy in him, and still appreciates his own idols. That was meaningful to me.
  5. I watched the DVD with my brother a few nights ago. I really liked how regular and unassuming The Edge was. He seems like a guy you could have a beer with. I was very impressed by his playing and how he's embraced technology for his creativity. I'll admit I was pretty disappointed by Jack White. I guess the movie reinforced that I like his music but I don't like him. He comes across as arrogant, self-absorbed and pretentious. When he says things like how he "never" wanted to play guitar, and how he always wants playing guitar to be a struggle, he pretty much lost me there. I guess that's a punk aesthetic talking, which is fine. He could learn a lot from Page and Edge, I think. They show a real love for their instruments, whereas White shows literally the opposite. His approach works for him, but I don't think anyone should think playing guitar should be like wrestling an alligator. The parts following Page around were fascinating. The segment at Headley Grange had me drooling. To be at that place would be to visit a rock and roll cathedral.
  6. Wow, my post disappeared as well. I think I said something like ... Music is one of the things I do every day, like breathing and eating. I think a life without music wouldn't be a very happy life.
  7. I love all three almost the same, but I prefer an HSS Strat. The shape suits me, and I can get a wide range of sounds out of it.
  8. I want one sooooooooooo much. I've been dreaming about an amp like this for years. The clips I've heard are killer. Not a one was disappointing. But where did you find one for only $225? I'm seriously thinking of pairing one up with an Avatar G112 with a Greenback. HNAD
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