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Gibson SG Action problems...


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I had my SG Standard set-up perfectly, but needed to change some new pups.. but accidently broke the tune-o-matic bridge(snapped the side thumbwheels right off)... so, I bought a new one from stew-mac, and set it all up, I put the saddles from my broken one, onto the new tune-o-matic bridge, (the ones on the new one were unslotted ??! don't think they would work?)


And now my action as I go up the neck has to be REAAL high to stop buzzing ! and even mid=-way up the neck.... the action seems good at the first few frets, but has to be huge the rest of the neck.... it's not a truss rod tweak, It was just adjusted properly... this guitar had the best action i've ever played before, so I know it's all good there... I want it super low like it was... not way up in the air..


Please help ? is it something with the new bridge that's causing this ? it's the nashville model tune-o-matic...

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Lol, I know... sounds bad.... it was actually stuck, and wouldn't come off, the strings were off any everything... but it wasstuck... so I pulled up with all my mite, and the screws broke off both side... not a big deal since I replaced it wit hthe new bridge, but now the action is all screwy... buzzing crazy... dosen't want to stay low through the whole length of the neck...


Truss rod isn't it... because it dose it pretty much on every fret besides maybe the first 2...

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Lol, I know... sounds bad.... it was actually stuck, and wouldn't come off, the strings were off any everything... but it wasstuck... so I pulled up with all my mite, and the screws broke off both side... not a big deal since I replaced it wit hthe new bridge, but now the action is all screwy... buzzing crazy... dosen't want to stay low through the whole length of the neck...

Truss rod isn't it...
because it dose it pretty much on every fret besides maybe the first 2...



If I am understanding what you are saying, this would indicate the truss rod needs adjusting.


I am assuming it sat, unstrung, at least for a couple of days while you waited for the new bridge to come in?

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Could the buzzing be coming from the bridge? You mentioned replacing the saddles, are the ring clips, or retainer spring installed properly, etc. etc?


Hmm the OP managed to snap off his bridge posts, I'd be tickled pink if he installed the saddles correctly ;)

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It has the same little triangle clips or whatever came with the new one... no springs or anything were on the new or old one... so I dunno ?


Yes the guitar sat for 2 or 3 days until I got the new bridge... ?


Don't you just screw the saddles in... thats what it seemed to do... I have them turned the correct way if that's what you mean.

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what do you mean troll ?


I will try n get a pic, you know the thumbwheels that adjust action... on one each side....


I was changing my pickups to Duncan Invaders.... I change pickups all the time, and never had problems with the bridge, but this time it was stuck...

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what do you mean troll ?

I will try n get a pic, you know the thumbwheels that adjust action... on one each side....

I was changing my pickups to Duncan Invaders.... I change pickups all the time, and never had problems with the bridge, but this time it was stuck...





It was a question. Are you a troll?

...because I will not help you if you're just wasting time.



We can't tell you what's going on without seeing the guitar. Your descriptions aren't clear enough. Come back with CLEAR pictures. Or tell us when you get a camera.

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what do you mean troll ?

I will try n get a pic, you know the thumbwheels that adjust action... on one each side....

I was changing my pickups to Duncan Invaders.... I change pickups all the time, and never had problems with the bridge, but this time it was stuck...



Eh, why were you having to move the bridge to change pups? Were you trying to not have to take off the strings?

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No, the strings I removed.... the pickups are mounted through the pickguard.... like all newer sg's... no mounting rings... so for the pickguard to come off, the bridge has to come off (the bridge is placed through the guard , dumb idea IMO) so the guard couldn't come off unless the bridge is off...


I' have changed the pups out of this guitar a couple times, and the bridge never had trouble being stuck... but this time was a different story...


~Abstract~ - Not a troll, just sorely in need of help.

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Yeah, with no tension from the strings, its quite possible for the neck to go to a state where there isn't enough relief, which sounds a bit like he describes, although I think he messed up the saddles when he put them in, most likely.

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Okay, here's a photo of the neck relief, which as I said, looks just about right. and 2 of the new bridge... dose everything look proper ? the resistance clips, and everything ? I'm thinking now that is might actually be the saddles or something buzzing it out ? it still dose it even with the action VERY high.... any clues ?





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OK I guess we need to figure out if this is fret buzz or just a random buzzing somewhere else.


Did you move the stoptail at all? How do the screws fit into the studs underneath the bridge? Are they really loose?

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