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I need some advice

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I am pinning down the genre of music I do and that's hip hop based around High tech. I know I am gonna be very vocal based. But I need some tips on how to, start getting a label's attention. And how I can write a query and, how they will listen to the query explaining that I got the formula to make a hit.

Would I be better off getting a loan from some credit card companies? Cause I hear it may actually be better just to be your own label. And I wondor how I would promote my music on the streets once I make some really good productions that don't suck. But the question is how would I make some hits just with my computer? Does anyone have any suggestions as to software solutions. I mean how can I make some decent drums so I can make a hit. What kind of software would give me a cutting edge. A list of vsti's may help. And another question if I keep being vocal based how much more would a condenser mic make my vocals sound? I seen this condensor mic in musician's friend catolog that is powered by a battery. I used my guitar effects processor, and ran my vocals through it to make my vocals sound better, and it worked. So I think I am looking toward getting a condensor mic.

Now If I make a crystal clear techno, vocal based hit. Then would taxi do anything for me. If I submitted. Or should I just wait and make an album and sell it to people myself. Cause I don't want to be swimming in a sea of money, just enough to take care of my stuff.

But yeah if I do do an album it's gonna have a theme and be very revolutionary, while on the side being music based.

So what's your opinion on signing to record label. Does it depend on the type of contract?

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The only thing record companies these days care about is money. Start making some and they'll come around wanting some of it. But if you can't demonstrate that you're currently selling, you have about as much chance as a Popsicle in hell of getting signed.


As far as DIY, the vast majority of bands putting out even commercial stuff are barely breaking even these days, if that. I read a stat last year that said the average band in America that makes a CD sells less than 1200 copies.

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Ideas without proof, in 2008, mean nothing to record companies. Genius WITH proof (ie: great recordings, mindblowing shows) barely means something. Work for a couple of years honing your vision and make it as great as you possibly can.


+1000 :thu:

This is one of the most profound, yet still concise things you've said Instro. To the OP, don't think about signing to a label until you can offer them something up front. And that something is money, not talent partner. I listened to your material and you've got steep competition. In order to make it in the world of electro and hip-hop, you've got to have talent. There's another guy on this forum named Dolaon...his material is much more mature than yours. In addition, you've got guys like Prefuse 73, Wagon Christ, Diplo, Daedelus and countless others doing electro and hip hop. I'd suggest you work on your songwriting and production first.

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Taxi has sent me countless offers so to speak. I have never considered them. Some have and I don't know if anything ever came of it.... but all of these "services" are run by "record executives" and all claim to get your feet in the door for a price. I grew up in the business (family involvement). I know lots of people who made it and they all did it by finely honing their craft and hard work.


To make it, your best bet is build an audience and keep gigging. Try to play bigger venues once you get a following. Play big fairs, festivals, etc.... get before bigger and better crowds. Had an acquaintance who toured with Marshall Tucker Band and another who got to front for 38 Special because they both had a following.

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It takes talent, hard work, and a little luck to make it in the music biz. The hard work is not as bad as it seems when you take everything step by step. I actually recommend finding someone who records music you like locally and paying them to teach you what they know. Being creative is a God given talent and not something that can be taught to someone who is already not naturally creative in my opinion. To find out if you are musically creative learn to play an insturment as well as you can then move your hands around on that insturment(say guitar for example and try to come up with your own riffs and chords spontaneously.) Before worrying about taxi or anything else, I would recommend you have the creative thing and recording thing down first.

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