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Do you always get a receipt?


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Just a question about buying from places like craigslist or kijiji or classified ads or what have you.


Do you always get a receipt? I am going to pick up a guitar and amp for around $200 so it's not a lot of money but I was thinking some record would be good to have. Should I just make one and take it in case the seller doesn't? Do I include the serial number in the receipt? What do you normally do?


I just hope the weather cooperates. I was going to go today but too much wind and snow

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Just a question about buying from places like craigslist or kijiji or classified ads or what have you.


Do you always get a receipt? I am going to pick up a guitar and amp for around $200 so it's not a lot of money but I was thinking some record would be good to have. Should I just make one and take it in case the seller doesn't? Do I include the serial number in the receipt? What do you normally do?


I just hope the weather cooperates. I was going to go today but too much wind and snow

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Why would you really need one? Usually if you buy something used, unless the seller specifically states it you buy under the pretense of AS-IS. I've never heard of anyone receiving a receipt for a used item that wasn't bought at a store or through Ebay



This is why I am asking. You have a good point.

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I have had the seller make out a receipt with name, address, serial number and price when either of two situations exists:


1) It has a transferrable warranty (like Fender, Ashly, QSC, etc.) and there is still time on the warranty. I try to also get a copy of their receipt in this case if I can. Most people using remaining warranty as a selling point are ready to give you a copy already.


2) It is expensive enough that, if it's stolen in the future, I would want to file a claim for it (typically more than a few hundred bucks).


It's also a good way to get an idea if it's stolen. I have never had anyone balk at giving a receipt.

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It's better to get a receipt and it can be a proof for your insurance company.


Also, when I'm selling something used, I offer to make a receipt. It makes the buyer feel safer about the origin (provenance in French) of the product.


Someone trying to sell a stolen guitar wouldn't want to give a receipt with his name/address/signature on it...





Loconzly, you beat me to it! ;)

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