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Opinions on Gibson ES-137 wanted!


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I played one for 10-15 minutes in a shop once. It felt heavy for a semi-hollow. I might be wrong but the centre block seemed to be chunkier than most semi-hollows (not that there's anything wrong with that). Overall it was a very well-built instrument. I don't know which pickups it had on but they certainly sounded nice. I liked it.

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Which ES-137 are you looking at?


I have an ES-137 Classic, which has the 490/498 pickup combo on it. Overall, I'd describe the sound as a fat Les Paul Studio. IMO, each pickup by themselves sounds pretty good, but together it has a funkiness that I usually avoid. Probably just me.


The design is pretty interesting on the inside. It's a Mahogany centerblock equipped with a stop tail, so sustain is reasonably good. I find it to be just a tad neck heavy, but not overly so.


Soundwise, I don't know if I'd use it for traditional jazz, but for just about anything else it works well. The version with the 57's (IIRC) might be closer to what you're looking for than the Classic.

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