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Any Way For a Moderator to Move a Post to the Proper forum?


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I have a problem-related post about Logic & GiO feedback that I put up in the "high tech guitar" forum. I may be dumb, but I'm also a bit new here, so pardon me.


But I think the thread, with 57 views, and one reply (from me), should be in Computers & Software, or Mac, or something.


Any moderator/administrators want to help out on this?


Thanks a million!

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I can move it, but I looked at the thread and I can see why no one has replied: It HAS to be something specific to your setup, because in all my years of using amp sims, Windows, and Mac, I've never encountered anything like this...EXCEPT when the applet running an interface was screwed up somehow, and return the output back into the input.


What I suggest is two-fold.


1. Wait until the feedback happens, then go through any fader relating to volume in any way whatsoever, and pull it down s-l-o-w-l-y. If the feedback becomes less and less and ultimately goes away, you have a very important clue.

2. I really think your best chance of getting an answer is in the HT Guitar forum, but understand that maybe someone else has experienced this problem in some other context. So, while we are NOT in favor of cross-posting, in this case (and because you were considerate enough to ask) you have Special Moderator Dispensation for posting in the Mac or Computers & Software forum. Of the two, I think Mac would be your best choice.


I believe if I was at your place, I'd have it solved in two minutes :) Well, maybe not...


The other thing you need to consider is that there may be a hardware issue. We take gear for granted because reliability is so good these days, but one intermittent solder bridge is all you need to mess up your day. If there's any way you can sub a different GiO, give it a try.

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Thanks Craig. I was thinking along similar lines as far as hardware. I know that all my amp sims can't be messed up, and Logic Studio has been re-installed, from scratch on a clean drive, twice now. To eliminate my Mac hardware as the issue I'm going to load GarageBand onto my g-friend's iMac today and plug the GiO into there and see what gives.


If I get the same issue on there, I'll call my guy at Apogee and see what we can do.

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I double-checked all the settings. They were fine; I'd re-read the intro manual for Logic, the manual for the GiO, and countless "tips & advice" things on the web.


But the GiO was plugged into a powered USB hub. I moved it to the back of the Apple Cinema Display. Rebooted Logic with an audio instrument track, twelve hours ago, and it is still up and running just fine, zero incidents. I checked the FAQ on the Apogee support page, and there was a question asking if the GiO supported usb hubs. Answer: The hub in the Cinema Display is good, but otherwise, jack in straight to the Mac. Somehow I'd missed that, previously, probably because I'd been searching for signal/interference-related posts or "tips." Live and learn!

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