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Does this gorgomyte stuff actually work??


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  • 1 month later...
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I just got some of these 'wipes' and they are fantastic at shining up your frets. I don't really think it did much for the wood, and I did a final wipe down with some lemon-oil to get the yearly build up of gunk out of the rosewood. But, as for the frets themselves, using the Gorgomyte wipes was FAR, FAR easier and quicker than getting out the steel wool and polishing compound.

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  • 3 years later...
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It works. I like it. Wipe down the fretboard from side to side, then polish it with a clean cotton cloth (I use an old t-shirt). The fretboard looks and feels like you just took the guitar out of the shipping box.


It's got some kind of combo of cleaner, mineral oil, and polishing compound on it. It really gets the crud off the frets. Example:



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