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Is it me or is this a particulalrly beautiful Les Paul

Ratae Corieltauvorum

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Maybe I should show the top. I really like the look of guitar. Most players would go for more of a honeyburst or darkburst, but this guitar has such a strong vibe. It really looks like a vintage instrument in person with the VOS finish and the Golden Cherry Burst finish. I posted it alongside a real 60 burst awhile back and the color was spot on.



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I'm used to seeing all kind of gorgeous vintage Les Pauls, but this is a brand new one looking for a home:love:

It appears to me to be a particularly gorgeous example of what Gibson can still turn out today?

Or are y'all seeing LP Stds as purdy as this often?


That one is easy on the eyes, but I like my Studio Lite a lot better. OK, not near as purdy, but it's a lot easier on the back.

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I think that the one that the OP posted is chambered--probably around 8 pounds.



Not bad at all, mine's easily around six or seven. Of course the Lites are a bit thinner as well (not MM thin) which was a big selling point for me. Until recently I was under the impression that Gibson didn't do bevels (tummy tuck) but played my buds beveled Special the other day and was surprised at how comfortable it was.

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That is a very nice guitar. I don't wish to burst your bubble but I have seen nicer ones for less money. If you need the Gibson name on it you can buy the logo on eBay for $10.00.



Not sure what it is you're saying, if you see my sig you'll see I don't NEED any names on any headstocks:wave:

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Personally I think the latest Standard is kind of 'gilding the lily'. Do we really need locking tuners, a locking jack and PCBs with, wow, gold-plated pots? The latter are just asking for trouble-if a pot goes down the whole board will need replacing. As far as I'm concerned the Traditional is all you need in a Les Paul.
Oh, and just to be really picky, the hardware needs to be nickel on an LP, not chrome!

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Don't like any of those except the 54


It's actually a 1971 Standard 58 Model,

Standard 58 Model? Gibson/Norlin made up their own history.

It's really a Gibson '54 knock off with appointments true to a 1954 LP gold top.

It's a rare one too.

BTW, I have the pick guard wrapped in plastic.

It was signed by Les Paul.






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