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Why are Les Pauls so darn expensive?


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1. American workers get paid more than orientals in chineese sweat shops.

2. Materials are top of the lind and beed to be imported at great cost.

3. Supply and Demand. People are willing to pay for American made.

4. They're a great instruments designed and named after a guy named Les Paul.

High prices make them instruments ststus symbols of the rich and those dedicated to

playing usually want to play something someone else doesnt. What a les paul cost is nothing

in comparison to what instruments may have cost in the past. Trace guitars back through history

and you find many mansions filled with gold leaf pianos and diamond studded guitars.

Again, when you work all your life to save and buy the rest, may indeed make other musicians envious.

Is'nt every thing in life that way though????? Work hard and save then reward that hard work is life.

I worked a whole summer flipping burgers minimum wage as a kid to save up for my first used Marshall head and Les Paul.

In my book, Anyone who hasnt got the balls to sweat for what they want dont deserve to have it. End of story.

Theres a few reasons for this. First is the one they get from their parents. They wont value it if they dont work for it.

Beyond that, they wont appreciate their fellow musicians who did bust their balls to save for it and instead display envy towards them.

Envy is not a positive attribute and separates you from being in their league.

Its still goes further though. The music business is a hard nasty dirty business that will strip you down, chew you up, and and steal your soul.

If you havent got strong work ethics you have no chance of being a succes in the business. You're a joke waiting to happen and you dont even know it.

Club owners, customers, theives, loose women, drug dealers, managers, and other musicians will have a field day with a rookie unless thay have a strong moral

work ethic and if you have that you know a guitar doesnt make the music, the man playing it does.



My head hurts. This is one of the most confusing posts I've ever read.

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Why are Les Pauls so darned expensive?

QUESTION " Why do we keep re-electing greedy, incompetent, self serving politicians who lie there butts off to get elected and then turn right around and screw us?

ANSWER: Because we are naive fools who will accept any line of bull{censored} as long as it seems to lend credence to what we already want to believe.

SOLUTION: Stop letting FOX and CNN tell you who to vote for and stop asking Gibson fans questions you already know the answer to. It's really simple. Don't vote for those politicians any more and don't buy guitars that you know are hugely overpriced.



I would almost rather read a 9mm post.

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