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Why are so many guitarists ADD / ADHD?


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  • 8 years later...
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As a guitarist with ADHD, playing guitar is one of the only things that quiets my brain down a bit. my father, who I inherited the disorder from, was the same way. people who have ADHD/ADD are known to be inattentive and easily distracted, but there is another side of attention issues for us folks. We often hyper-focus on things that interest us, and guitar is the perfect activity for that. The constant focus required for both your motor skills and memory require every ounce of attention you have.

When you are so absorbed into your playing, outside distractors are usually blocked out. 

this is why we like it. 

Living with ADHD or ADD is so very loud. Your brain moves a million miles an hour, picking up on everything around you. As people who have a constant stream of irrelevant thoughts and observations, guitar can be a relief from such a busy mind. You're left with only the sound of your playing, and the processes that go through your head to produce those sounds. 


Try to have a little more patience. I understand we can be annoying to those who aren't like us. If you can't be empathetic enough to do so, I suggest finding other, attention-paying guitarists. They might serve you better.


Also, you're not OCD. For god's sake, just because you're a perfectionist doesn't make you mentally ill. If you're tormented for months on end by your imperfections and develop repetitive behavior to ease your pain, you might have it. That doesn't seem to be the case, though.

That disorder {censored}s up people's lives. I recommend reading a bit more about it before you make statements like that again. 


Plus, it's not even grammatically correct.  "I'm obsessive-compulsive disorder" doesn't make sense, my dude. 



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