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What are my vintage pickups worth?


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So I just got an '86 MIJ Fender Jazzmaster. Amazing.
It has vintage-wound Brian Porter pickups in it, but I have the original
stock pickups as well.

They're in great shape, and I liked the sound of the Porter's better.
I have someone that may be interested in them, so I'm curious.
What's the typical value for vintage pickups?

I noticed a few posts on eBay for vintage '65 JM pickups going for $500-$700.
I'm not expecting them to go for even remotely close to that, I just want to know if they're worth more than a normal set or if I have something that isn't of that much worth.

If anyone can help or point me in the right direction, let me know!

Thanks smile.gif

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Quote Originally Posted by Ratae Coritanorum View Post
You ask about vintage pickups and then talk about MIJ 80s pickups, which are certainly not vintage and Brian Porter pickups, which aren't vintage....am I missing something?idn_smilie.gif

Haha, sorry about that. I know the Porter's aren't vintage. I was saying that the JM has Porter's in it now, and I like them better. I was asking what the stock pickups that I took out were worth. This is my first JM and my first guitar that's this old, so if I was wrong in saying vintage, then I learned something new.

Sorry for the confusion my friend.
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$35 at best.

vintage in this case just means old, its not improper usage but most people associate vintage with sought-after or rare. with Fender you want pre 1967 or so. (with a few exeptions like WRHBs from the 70s, and some 1982 MIJ Fenders).

even new CIJ Jazzmaster pickups are just strat pickups with a big cover-not even close to the real thing. Id put some AVRIs or Novaks in it.

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