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Never said Rockett is good..I said he is better than grohl... you're right, Benante is killer and is better than Lee but they play 2 different styles. I am talking rock not metal. Pete Sandoval is my fav metal drummer...

Rumblebelly...glad to see that you have come around and now understand the truth.

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Originally posted by rumblebelly

Nirvana sucked eh? Then explain why they were the biggest band of the 90s.

You are just biased against grunge cause you don't like the music. When it comes to forums, I consider people like you a major pet peeve..."he sucks, they suck"...I get so tired of that crap. If all these bands and drummers are crap, then where is your band? Plus, I wanna hear some of your drumming...back up yer words!



It also works on those that say Nirvana was the biggest band of the 90's. Comments like that are debateable. Express your opinions, and let other people have theirs.

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Originally posted by psycht

It also works on those that say Nirvana was the biggest band of the 90's. Comments like that are debateable. Express your opinions, and let other people have theirs.



Maybe biggest is too strong of a word...one of the biggest is probably more accurate.

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I sound like a tazmanian, midget, banshee who's been on crack and heroin for 20 years, has a slight speech impediment, a club foot, an oversized nose, that's lost 3 fingers on the left hand from frostbite, has a minor problem with dyslexia (sp?) and can't stop cursing profusely.

OK, let me get more specific. I rock!

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The drummers that I listed are respected drummers all of which kick ass....period...if you think otherwise you shouldn't be playing drums...

How the hell are we supposed to respect Ricki Rocket? His {censored}in name is Ricki Rocket for christ's sake. Plus he's got his {censored}in name on his bass drums. :)

Sadly, no. Is he still using that 14x8 maple drum like on APC's Mer De Noms(on the first song only since Josh Freese plays on the rest)? I preferred the snappy piccolo sound.

No. I believe the kit he used on The Hollow was the kit Tommy Lee used in the Dr. Feelgood video, with the huge ass bass drum and {censored}. I'm pretty sure I read that somewhere. Anyway, I think he still uses a 5x14 Black Beauty...but who knows.

So what you need to do right now is go here and start downloading.

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I was only using Rockett to show how bad grohl is..thats all..I know that he sucks...who cares if someone has their name on their bass drums???? Haven't heard that one before....


IMO, Dave is a much more interesting drummer than Rockett, especially his stuff on QOTSA. It's one thing to have your name on your bass drums if you're an outstanding drummer (however, still lame). It's another matter if you're enough of an egomaniac to put your name on your bass drums when you're a mediocre drummer at best.

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Originally posted by kenm

Wow, Rockdrumr1 sounds like MTV's most wanted 1990. Contemporize man! How did you not make the jump from hair metal to grunge? More importantly, how come everyone else is still stuck there?

Yo yo... I'm down with dat. All that old skool hair medal sux, man. Grunge and NuMetal is where it's at! Yo... Word. There ain't nuttin' like kikkin' out a MudVayne beat, bro. I like hoppin' in my lowered Honda (with the big 'ole spoiler on the back) and slammin' to some SlipKnot too, yo.



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Umm... maybe you should be on the metal sludge boards, this is for drummers. with talent. if you were a moderately talented drummer you would never put rikki rockett in the category of good drummer, even though his band may have had a few good songs (though that's a matter of taste).

That doesn't make him a good drummer. There is no uniqueness in his style other than his drum machine-like ride/hi-hat patterns that probably were programmed by cc. there is no ass in anything he does. whitest of the white.

try it, rockdrumr1, you'll like it.

Get the new Queens of the Stone Age record, get Tenacious D, get any Foo Fighters record, get Nevermind. Then you may realize how great Dave Grohl's drumming is.

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This thread started out promising, but seems to have gone downhill. :(

A few people have compared me to Steven Morris from Joy Division and New Order, I think mainly for playing fast 16ths on the hi-hat and also because I have a certain "dancy-ness" in my playing.

I used to play a lot of fills that people thought sounded like Bill Legend from T Rex, probably because they did sound like Bill Legend, because I was copying him.

I've also played things that people said sounded "Ringo-eque".

Amusingly, you could say the band I'm in sounds not unlike a cross between the Beatles, Joy Division, and T Rex. :)

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Originally posted by Steven_B

...Get the new Queens of the Stone Age record, get Tenacious D, get any Foo Fighters record, get Nevermind. Then you may realize how great Dave Grohl's drumming is.



Bwah! You're joking, right? Give me a freakin' break. Grohl can barely pay simple drums, simple guitar, and barely even sing. He's a joke, period. You guys are fooled by his playing, but I'm not sure why... It's obvious to me that Grohl is a turd. I could throw a floor tom town a set of stairs and it would sound cleaner than one of Grohls fills.



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Originally posted by Actionsquid

A few people have compared me to Steven Morris from Joy Division and New Order, I think mainly for playing fast 16ths on the hi-hat and also because I have a certain "dancy-ness" in my playing.



Awesome! Do you have any idea how RARE you are? I don't even know how it's possible for you OR Morris to have that kind of stamina to keep those kinds of beats up.


A friend of mine has a live Joy Division bootleg video, and Morris just tore it up. Seeing Ian Curtis dance onstage is a sight to behold, too (LOL).

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Rockdrumr1..... hmm, the username says it all doesn't it. RikkiR must already have already been taken, right?

My we've got one hell of a creative guy on our hands here .... and an accomplished critical thinker I might add. Dave Grohl sucks ... blah, blah, blah..... come on man! Wake up. I'm not a huge fan but come on. Why this again? Why does he suck? Take a lesson in reason from guys like Rumblebelly. Man, you're sure not gaining any respect with that rock drummer ego. That died in the 80's dude. Let us show respect for our fellow drummers. Let's not act like guitar players...... that's a joke.

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Get your heads out of your asses and quit worrying about how people look...I thought that looks didn't matter anymore? I never said Rockett is good...but he is better than grohl and that is pretty pathetic...screw being open minded...all that means is that you don't know what you like, or if you do you're too scared to make a stand and say it. I know what I like and what I don't...
You can label things all you want..80's this and 90's that...you sound like a bunch of gay ass MTV employees....drummers are drummers no matter what...grohl isn't a drummer...I have yet to hear any arguments though about Aldridge, Lee, Blas Elias though...those are real drummers..my fellow drummers...get off the new wave trip and only diggin new drummers. The best musicians came out of the 80's...not the 90's....if you want to start labeling things

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Originally posted by Rockdrumr1

The best musicians came out of the 80's...not the 90's....if you want to start labeling things



LOL!LOL! You're a dumb {censored} and I'm embarassed for you. ... new wave trip? If only we could meet in person. The best musicians came from the '80s .... LOL! You've made my day. I'll laugh myself to sleep tonight. Just when I think I've heard absolute stupidity and lack of musical understanding I meet rockdrumr1. Tunnel vision at it's finest. Give me a break


Please tell me you're some pre-pubescent puke an not an adult. Someone give this guy a {censored}ing medalion. He's won!

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Boy I must have really gotten to you eh mofeces?!? Can't handle truth can you...I'm sure you're still running around with your Nirvana T shirt on and living in the 90's! Name me 5 drummers that came out in the 90's that kick ass(not Portnoy) and I'll name you my five....

You'll see that you are the one with no musical knowledge...what would you do if we met in person? You obviosusly have to make personal attacks since you have no argument....sucks to be you......

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