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unicorn princess

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Originally posted by unicorn princess

man, i've seen so many ocdp kits and played so many that i can see why they would be cool to have, but they deffinately arent worth the list price minus a whoping 25%. you have to understand that no peice of wood with tiny 85 cents a peice to make lugs is not worth the price that is on it. even if you add the 3 dollar die cast hoops and tension rods, heads, its still not worth it. and a finish, weather its a sheet of plastic, or fancy FUR (ohh, never thought of that!) or colored water stain...the mark up will still be bogus. i dont care if one company has the sharpest bearing edge, or they have the best customer service (why would you have to call a company about your kit? its a peice of wood and some screws) if you dont liek the bearinge dges, buy a router and 45 degree bit and cut it yrouself (im sure you can afford one after you just spent 3000 bucks on that new OC 4 peice kit, whats an extra 50 bucks. oh! dont forget the 2 bucks for sand paper!) anyway, back to my original point, if you want a custom drum, its gonna be a ripiff (even if it is conaway or something else that isnt "corperate") its just that dw and ocdp seem to be the biggest ripoffs..actualy..now that i think about it, dw is an ok priced kit compared to ocdp. anyway, in closeing to my essay, its a keller shell, "the best quality metal parts," and some remo heads. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$




I agree100%. Anyone who knows anything about drum building knows they aren't worth what you pay for them. As for peoplesaying that i think i'm cool insulting ocdp, what about the people who think they are cool shelling out all kinds of money for them just because they are the trendy "drums to have."

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Have any of you people ever priced out Pearl Masterworks or Tama SC Maple. They are'nt custom companies and there prices are as much if not more then OCDP. Do you think big companies like Pearl, Tama, Yamaha etc, have only a small markup and your getting a better deal?. They are gouging you harder then OCDP ever could. There kits are mass produced in third world countries or by cheap labor overseas and they are buying materials for pennies. I assure you Tama is making alot more money off you then OCDP.


If you think all drum making is a shell, router, some cheap hardware and some sandpaper and nothing more your dumber then i thought.

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So are the lugs they use exact copies of Baltimores? A kid posted a pic of a snare he bought from OCP and it showed pics of the lugs (obviously) and there was a pic of the Baltimore lug right next to the pic of the snare and it was the exact same. Not trying to start a war, just asking a question.

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I build drums and ive used that lug many times because it looks great and it doesnt cost an arm and a leg. It is very similer to the original baltimore drum lug but the casts for those belong to the original owner of baltimore drum co. The "baltimore" lug didnt have the indents on the edges like the new one does. Its made in taiwan and like everyone says can be had for around 2.50 a piece

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man, slipknot, no need to say im dumber than you thought. i know damn well that there is more to it than just some shells, a router and some sand paper. (actually, there isn't much more to it than that but, oh yea, i forgot, you' re the drummer from slipknot, so ok) ...let me add, you need a drill to drill for the lugs too. :D

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