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Anybody know the site where it plays the two identical Nickelback songs?


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Feel free to mention to whoever you're showing it to that one of the songs is sped up quite significantly, and one of them is also chopped up (an entire part of the verse is missing at one point in the song), as the original songs don't really match up as well as this page would have you believe. :)

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Originally posted by Zeromus-X

Feel free to mention to whoever you're showing it to that one of the songs is sped up quite significantly, and one of them is also chopped up (an entire part of the verse is missing at one point in the song), as the original songs don't really match up as well as this page would have you believe.


Nevertheless, Nickleback is still as generic and tasteless as store-brand saltine crackers.

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Originally posted by ArtVandelay

I like saltines - as long as they're not the unsalted ones which is the ultimate contradiction.

But I don't like Nickelback.


Hmm....good point. I like saltines, too.


Allow me to elaborate on my original post.


"Nevertheless, Nickleback is still as generic and tasteless as store-brand saltine crackers, with a generous dollop of guano."



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Originally posted by admiralfish

Hmm....good point. I like saltines, too.

Allow me to elaborate on my original post.

"Nevertheless, Nickleback is still as generic and tasteless as store-brand saltine crackers, with a generous dollop of guano."



Better. I definitely don't like guano.

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Originally posted by Zeromus-X

Feel free to mention to whoever you're showing it to that one of the songs is sped up quite significantly, and one of them is also chopped up (an entire part of the verse is missing at one point in the song), as the original songs don't really match up as well as this page would have you believe.


Thanks for mentioning that.


It doesn't really make it any better or different though, hehe.

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Originally posted by Skr4ped

No, but the crackers are generic, and the guano makes you wish you were tasteless. Get it?



I was OK before, but now I'm confused. So are you saying that you wish you were tasteless so that you could tolerate Nickelback better? I thought the idea was that Nickelback was tasteless and the guano on top made it something even worse than tasteless.


Also, are we talking bat guano? And what kind of bat? Different bats' guanos have different qualities and/or drawbacks. And is the guano fresh or has it been sitting on the cracker for a really long time? I believe that fresh guano is less pungent and therefore more tolerable.

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Originally posted by ArtVandelay

I was OK before, but now I'm confused. So are you saying that you wish you were tasteless so that you could tolerate Nickelback better? I thought the idea was that Nickelback was tasteless and the guano on top made it something even worse than tasteless.

Also, are we talking bat guano? And what kind of bat? Different bats' guanos have different qualities and/or drawbacks. And is the guano fresh or has it been sitting on the cracker for a really long time? I believe that fresh guano is less pungent and therefore more tolerable.

I think you're looking into this too much. ;)

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Originally posted by admiralfish

Nevertheless, Nickleback is still as generic and tasteless as store-brand saltine crackers.



Hmmm..but then again, thousands of boxes of Saltine Crakers are bought every single day. OH WAIT.. I forgot, if they get alot of radio play, and a few of thier songs sound similiar, THEY SUCK!!!


I get it.. well every band sucks then... Has anyone seen them live? I wasn't a fan at all, then I saw them live... and that was immpressive... They're all good musicians, put on a good show.. and have a talent to write music that's radio friendly.


But like I've said before, they MUST suck because they're on AC/ or top 40 radio alot...

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Originally posted by drummer_jay

Hmmm..but then again, thousands of boxes of Saltine Crakers are bought every single day. OH WAIT.. I forgot, if they get alot of radio play, and a few of thier songs sound similiar, THEY SUCK!!!

I get it.. well every band sucks then... Has anyone seen them live? I wasn't a fan at all, then I saw them live... and that was immpressive... They're all good musicians, put on a good show.. and have a talent to write music that's radio friendly.

But like I've said before, they MUST suck because they're on AC/ or top 40 radio alot...



No, they don't suck because they get a lot of radio play. They suck because their music is boring. It doesn't matter if they are accomplished when it comes to playing their instruments. Not only that, but Nickleback's lyrics positively suck. And that irks me more than anything.


There are good bands on the radio. But Nickleback, IMO, is not one of them.


The world may buy all the saltines they want, but there's a reason they give saltines away for free with your soup. And they certainly don't get any better with guano all over them.


I prefer a Cheez-it, a Ritz, even a water cracker with a slab of cheddar, if given the choice.


By the way, did anyone see that footage of Nickleback in concert, where the audience is throwing stones at them? I think it's Spain.

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YOU think thier music is boring? YOU think thier lyrics suck?


Well, millions of people think the other way about them. They are not the most complicated, musical, technical, or crazy band ever, but for what they do, they do it well.


I Just get really pissed when I see people always putting down bands that have "made it". I mean, I don't care for alot of the bands I hear on the radio either, but I won't say they suck, or are horrible. Because I respect that at one time, Nickelback was playing {censored} hole bars just like the rest of us, and they've made it!


Saltine crackers do kinda suck tho

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Originally posted by drummer_jay

YOU think thier music is boring? YOU think thier lyrics suck?

Well, millions of people think the other way about them. They are not the most complicated, musical, technical, or crazy band ever, but for what they do, they do it well.

I Just get really pissed when I see people always putting down bands that have "made it". I mean, I don't care for alot of the bands I hear on the radio either, but I won't say they suck, or are horrible. Because I respect that at one time, Nickelback was playing {censored} hole bars just like the rest of us, and they've made it!

Saltine crackers do kinda suck tho



Nickelback DOES suck - but that's MY opinion. To me it has a sort of contrived, formulaic sound and feel. I like plenty of music that's popular, but the Nickelback stuff just bothers me. Does this make me WRONG as you seem to imply?

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Originally posted by drummer_jay

Well, millions of people think the other way about them. They are not the most complicated, musical, technical, or crazy band ever, but for what they do, they do it well.



They suck, and yes they do it well.



Honestly, don't feed me this "you have to respect them because they've made it" attitude. That's not the way the world works. People don't "make it" based on talent and credibility. The music industry is about filling a cookie cutter image. Ashlee Simpson made it to the big time, you respect her?


Being able to have an opinion is everyone's right. If everybody was a yes-man, the music industry would suck even more than it does now.

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Originally posted by stapes2260

They suck, and yes they do it well.

Honestly, don't feed me this "you have to respect them because they've made it" attitude. That's not the way the world works. People don't "make it" based on talent and credibility. The music industry is about filling a cookie cutter image. Ashlee Simpson made it to the big time, you respect her?

Being able to have an opinion is everyone's right. If everybody was a yes-man, the music industry would suck even more than it does now.



There's a big difference between a band building their fanbase and finally hitting it big, than someone riding on the shoulders of her sister. What a horrible comparison.


It seems as if a band can have a complete grassroots buildup, get the fans involved as hell, write some good material, get picked up by a major, and all of a sudden they suck. That's probably the mentality I hate the most about musicians, because face it, we're the only ones that do that. Most people just assume that all these big bands started out in some record exec's closet. I remember seeing Hybrid Theory (Linkin Park before they were Linkin Park) at a tiny ass place, with maybe a few dozen people in the crowd. Everyone starts somewhere, and nobody in that building had any idea what'd happen to them a year later, including themselves. Yet now everyone's idea is that they're a manufactured band, they had everything handed to them, etc. They're also a good example of a band who knows how to treat the people who helped them get to where they are. My name and several others are in the "Special thanks" of their first video. We still receive stuff from them -- except now instead of stickers and flyers for shows, their management will send a new shirt, or a hoodie, etc.

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Originally posted by stapes2260

They suck, and yes they do it well.

Honestly, don't feed me this "you have to respect them because they've made it" attitude. That's not the way the world works. People don't "make it" based on talent and credibility. The music industry is about filling a cookie cutter image. Ashlee Simpson made it to the big time, you respect her?

Being able to have an opinion is everyone's right. If everybody was a yes-man, the music industry would suck even more than it does now.



Yeah, not a good comparison. I do think everyone has the right to thier own opinion, however i get sick of hearing fellow musicans bash famous bands because they get tons of radio play and are succesful. Come on, what it is? Jeliousy? Ignorance? I mean we of ALL people should know how hard it is to break into the scene. With the RARE exception of people like Ashlee Simpson, Hillary DUff or any other "disney" chic, most artists that have made it, started out in a garage just like the rest of us.


And you know what, if my band can fill a "cookie cutter image" , sign us up. Beating my drums in front of thousands and selling tons of records is my dream job, i'll do whatever it takes.


Lets see, I can have 15 drum sets all custom made for me, i can have the BEST gear, a top of the line studio in my basement, OH, and have tons of people dig my playing and my band. BUT, along with that, comes people like you thinking me and my band suck cock cause we're famous and on the radio and alot of 16 y/o girls dig our music. Hmmmmm.... decisions!

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you guys sound like you fear Karma, as if bashing a band that's "made it" will ruin your chances for the same. You really think there's a huge difference between Nickelback and Ashlee Simpson? How big do you really think Nickelback's fan base was before their first single came out? It's all about marketing. Ever since Creed made it, all these half assed rock acts that sound remotely like them are making it big. It's no mystery, it's marketing.

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yeah, because I'm sure Chad Kroger is surfing this site, and was about to help sign your band until he saw you put him down...


Like that matters to me???


Huge isn't the word to explain the difference between Ashlee simpson and Nickelback..


Lets see, ashlee's sister did all the leg work. Became a famous singer, then her sister decides she wants to "make" it as a singer now too... OH, no problem sis, here's My People.. they'll make you a big rock star.... Thats a great case of making something out of nothing..


Nickelback on the other hand... started off like my band.. playing {censored} hole bars, recording when we can afford it etc... Maybe they were heard at the right time in the right place, whatever.. so be it... Of course theres alot of marketing involved... My career is in marketing, so I know how important that it is.. I also know we can make thousands of people like something based on what we say and promote about them....


Please name some bands that YOU think are good, and somewhat famous..


Let me guess... the typical..


Led Zep


The Beetles



Yeah, those are all good... any marketing involved there?? Your damn straight...


So please, name some bands that you think are good and deserving?

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OK, I'll start:


Bands that are good and deserving (because the members did play {censored}hole bars and/or slaved through miniscule budgets on indies before "breaking out"):


The Mars Volta (two members were in ATDI...and those guys toured relentlessly for years)

Queens of the Stone Age (members in Kyuss back in the 90's...marginally successful then, and probably struggled to make ends meet)

U2 (they're still here after two decades--I'm not a big fan, but they deserve to be around)

Korn (I'm ambivalent about these guys, too, but they've managed to stay in the game for a while now and sell plenty of records)

Velvet Revolver (I really don't like these guys, but the fact that the members are even alive is pretty impressive)


Feel free to add...


Oh, and I read an article once which quoted old Nickleback Chad saying that the best part of getting signed was negotiating the deal, and he said he felt like he made some great business decision, like when he was in sales at his day job. Now, I'm all for musicians getting paid for their work (because I like to think I am one), but for the thrill of the "sale" to be the best thing about getting signed??? Personally, I'd be more psyched to know that the music I wrote would be listened to by a lot more people, who would come to shows, who would be singing the lyrics back to you, etc....you know, the same reason a lot of us play those {censored}hole bars for no money. We enjoy playing music and we appreciate the fans.


I don't know....maybe I'm just a commie bitch.

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