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I had a dream last night...


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I studies dream analogy many years ago in college.



I don't know you, but I'm going to try and interpret your dream.

I think your sub consceious mind doesn't like a relationship of commitment. The destruction of the roof on your house represents your personal life being destroyed. The 2 women represent love or a relationship entering your life.

Another interpretation would be if you get involved with 2 women you might have problems in your personal life (the destructed roof representing you).

Hope that helps.

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Originally posted by 1620drum

I studies dream analogy many years ago in college.


I don't know you, but I'm going to try and interpret your dream.

I think your sub consceious mind doesn't like a relationship of commitment. The destruction of the roof on your house represents your personal life being destroyed. The 2 women represent love or a relationship entering your life.

Another interpretation would be if you get involved with 2 women you might have problems in your personal life (the destructed roof representing you).

Hope that helps.




Actually, my conscious mind doesn't like a relationship of commitment. :o


What do dreams about teeth typically indicate? I thought that was a sign of something bad.

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Originally posted by percyexpat

i think i was dreaming i was the drummer from the velvet underground...who was a girl i think. oh dear.


Oh dear indeed. If it's any consolation, I'm sure you will grow a beautiful pair of boobs. Or as drummers call them - Flesh Bongos. :)

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I have a recurring dream that there's a whole 'nuther wing of my house that's absolutely huge and absolutely run down. It's like I have our nice and normal living space that exists for real, but there's this amazing space hidden behind a door that I never open up. Then I spend most of the time in the dream in a mix of excitement about the extra space and total fear of it because it usually has major holes in the roof, water leaking in all over the place, and is basically a total wreck.


Then I wake up with a boner.


Story of my life.

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A semester or two ago my psychology teacher gave us the option of either interpretting our dreams, staying up for 72 hrs then writing about it, or using a drug of our choice and writing about the high. No need in telling you which I chose.

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Originally posted by Old Steve

I have a recurring dream that there's a whole 'nuther wing of my house that's absolutely huge and absolutely run down. It's like I have our nice and normal living space that exists for real, but there's this amazing space hidden behind a door that I never open up. Then I spend most of the time in the dream in a mix of excitement about the extra space and total fear of it because it usually has major holes in the roof, water leaking in all over the place, and is basically a total wreck.

Then I wake up with a boner.

Story of my life.



I have a similar dream occurence (in addition to the boner thing.) Whenever I have dreams about work, it's always the same place, but it looks nothing like my actual workplace. In my dream, it seems completely normal, but when I wake up I know it's nothing like the real thing.


Occasionally, I'll have the extra room in the house thing going on too, or a slightly different layout, but it's not always consistent. But usually, unlike my work dreams, the extra room or new layout of my house seems new to me in my dream as well.


Weird stuff.

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Originally posted by kmd_97

A semester or two ago my psychology teacher gave us the option of either interpretting our dreams, staying up for 72 hrs then writing about it, or using a drug of our choice and writing about the high. No need in telling you which I chose.



Do you go to school in Columbia?!

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Originally posted by percyexpat

...that I took up the drums and was reallllllly good. unfortunately in real life my hand to eye coordination is truly terrible and id probably end up poking myself in the eye or something.



HE HE HE i ummm have NEVER done that before :rolleyes:



(it hurts really bad!!!!)



he he he he hee:thu:

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Old Steve:


The dream of you wanting to add on to your house and be excited about it and yet it's not in good shape with holes in the walls etc., represents IMO the desire to get something new in your life such as a woman (if your single) or adding something to your drum kit or studio. The unknown of your desire for something new is the wreckage represented in your dream.




Teeth in your dream could represent something negative the fear of getting hurt.

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Originally posted by 1620drum

Old Steve:

The dream of you wanting to add on to your house and be excited about it and yet it's not in good shape with holes in the walls etc., represents IMO the desire to get something new in your life such as a woman (if your single) or adding something to your drum kit or studio. The unknown of your desire for something new is the wreckage represented in your dream.


Teeth in your dream could represent something negative the fear of getting hurt.


Note to self, don't share this post with my wife. :D


Ulank: I hate friggin work dreams. I feel like I should be able to bill my employer for overtime. :mad:

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I once had a dream that me and a rag-tag swat team were locked in a Hollywood Video with Chucky from the Child's Play movies. We had to hunt him down but he was a crafty little bastartd. Always got away from us. It was as difficult as chasing a chicken.

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usually dreams about fighting dragons and eating,(especially sandwiches), have to do with a challenge in one's waking life dealing with relationships. the dragon can represent internal conflict between primitive desires and the lofty ideals while the sandwhich, depending on the type of bread; ie. wheat, rye, pumpernickle, etc, facilitates interpretation of the dreamers idiosyncratic approaches to the solution of the dilemma....


take no prisoners,


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I dreamed I was in a Hollywood movie, and that I was the star of that movie. This really blew my mind...the fact the me, an overfed long haired leaping knome, could be the star of a Hollywood movie. Hmmmm.


But there I was! I was taken to a place...the Hall of the Mountain Kings........



oh...wait. That's a song. Nevermind!



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