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Who carries when they play gigs?


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The DW's comment about Smith & Wesson in the Sidereal Got His Gear Stolen thread got me wondering about this.


Who here carries a firearm when they play gigs?


Obviously, if you're going to do that, a Concealed-Carry permit is a necessity.


Personally, I've had one or two gigs over the years where I decided to carry. I usually don't, but these were little clubs, with dark parking lots, in fairly nasty neighborhoods. Turns out I didn't need it, but I was glad to have it anyway.


Now, there's no way I would EVER carry to a wedding or a concert. The school, up until about 10 days ago, would have fired and expelled me, by the way, but the Utah Supreme Court has ruled their policy un-constitutional. Regardless, in a situation like that, there's just no need, but those late night, carrying several thousand dollars worth of gear through the dark alleys gigs have occasionally made me feel liking packing. As it turns out, I haven't carried since I got married, but some times I wish I still did.


Anybody else?



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Originally posted by WillyRay

The DW's comment about Smith & Wesson in the Sidereal Got His Gear Stolen thread got me wondering about this.

Who here carries a firearm when they play gigs?

Obviously, if you're going to do that, a Concealed-Carry permit is a necessity.

Personally, I've had one or two gigs over the years where I decided to carry. I usually don't, but these were little clubs, with dark parking lots, in fairly nasty neighborhoods. Turns out I didn't need it, but I was glad to have it anyway.

Now, there's no way I would EVER carry to a wedding or a concert. The school, up until about 10 days ago, would have fired and expelled me, by the way, but the Utah Supreme Court has ruled their policy un-constitutional. Regardless, in a situation like that, there's just no need, but those late night, carrying several thousand dollars worth of gear through the dark alleys gigs have occasionally made me feel liking packing. As it turns out, I haven't carried since I got married, but some times I wish I still did.

Anybody else?




Glock 9mm.


My band usually takes one rig to a show, so we usually have 10K plus worth of equipment on us at any time.


The drummer also packs heat.

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i've never carried, and never thought about it seriously.

there were plenty of sketchy areas around where i've played, and lived. even when friends would get ruffled, i guess i was just lucky (still am). besides, i (foolishly?) thought a cymbal stand would be a pretty good weapon.


hey willy, why not just take a big dog with ya?


of course, i've just cursed myself, 'cuz i'm in a city that i don't know and am about to go wondering around to find some vittles. here comes my first mugging.

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Yeah, I'm kind of with TheFoot. I've never really felt I needed it on gigs.. I tend to feel pretty save in the city at night. Usually there are cops at every turn when I'm packed up at 2 a.m., and in the club band I play in, the whole band tends to leave at the same time.


I might consider one for home security though. Especially given recent events.

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You got to be kidding, RIGHT!

Carry a gun to gig!

I've never heard of that. but maybe the neighborhoods that you guys play around require that much force. I guess I never had anything happen to me....yet. I hope never. I also weigh a good 250 and look like a bad ass.



Mraia's packing heat, in her shoes.

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Originally posted by WillyRay

The school, up until about 10 days ago, would have fired and expelled me, by the way, but the Utah Supreme Court has ruled their policy un-constitutional.



Federal law prohibits possession of a firearm on the property of a school. Utah may not prosecute you, but if the area Federal prosecutor has a hair across his ass, and you get caught, you are very screwed.


I've carried on a few gigs, but back when I was allowed to carry by my employer, I had a handgun every day, unless there was a compelling reason not to. So, I didn't so much carry specifically to a gig, I was just normally armed.

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Originally posted by ermghoti

Federal law prohibits possession of a firearm on the property of a school. Utah may not prosecute you, but if the area Federal prosecutor has a hair across his ass, and you get caught, you are very screwed.



This is a State-run University. I think that makes a difference. Their policy has been we'll fire you if we find it, CCW or no. SCOU just told them that wouldn't work. I wouldn't say I know for sure. Tell you one thing, my employer doesn't want me to do it, I'm not going to do it, whether I'm allowed by law or not. Which is convenient anyway, 'cause I'm not currently licensed.



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Originally posted by BBDrums

You got to be kidding, RIGHT!

Carry a gun to gig!

I've never heard of that. but maybe the neighborhoods that you guys play around require that much force. I guess I never had anything happen to me....yet. I hope never. I also weigh a good 250 and look like a bad ass.

Mraia's packing heat, in her shoes.


Dude, you may be 250 and look like a bad ass, but Im 6'1" 245lbs of solid gym and football muscle, and if you ever call me a "her" again, I will double bass all over your ass.



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Originally posted by mraia

Dude, you may be 250 and look like a bad ass, but Im 6'1" 245lbs of solid gym and football muscle, and if you ever call me a "her" again, I will double bass all over your ass.



Wait, when did I call you a "her" ?:confused:

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I was a little suprised when i read this thread... then i remembered you crazy americans are obsessed with guns. DOWN WITH GUNS!


Seriously though, i've never been to your country and dont really know how necessary it is to carry a gun for self defense, but its a very sad state of affairs if you do have to. If i had my way no one would have a gun. period.

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Originally posted by zarazabas

I was a little suprised when i read this thread... then i remembered you crazy americans are obsessed with guns. DOWN WITH GUNS!

Seriously though, i've never been to your country and dont really know how necessary it is to carry a gun for self defense, but its a very sad state of affairs if you do have to. If i had my way no one would have a gun. period.



I thought the gun-loathing non-americans would never show up!


or the gun loathing americans for that matter.


remember: guns don't kill people. bullets kill people.


keep your freedoms, kids.

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THofmannnnnn, all you guys need for defense is that case of PBR and some rope.

Here's the plan...First, restrain the offending bastardo, Then drink all the PBR, Then wait a few hours to unleash the effects of cheap beer upon your assailant. I gotta say, I've offended myself by the effects too much PBR has had upon me.


A plan such as this will deter crime to such a degree, fat-assed law makers might start thinking of banning cheap beer!


Hmmm, maybe guns are a better way to go--they smell better.

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I don't need a gun. When I get angry (very seldom) "Old Steve" becomes "Insane Steve who will fight to the death". At 6'6" and 240lbs (at least 40% of which is pure friggin muscle baby) people generally leave me alone when I'm grumpy.


Nevertheless, I've had gigs where I've had to contemplate self defense, and I figure every stand in my kit and most of my rack components are made of steel bars. When swung at somebody's skull (using a slightly-slower-than-mraia's-feet speed) your average drunken hillbilly is looking at a skull fracture, so I don't worry much.


As for guns, they're just another tool. You can kill people with a ball peen hammer or a screwdriver if you know what you're doing. A gun is no different, IMHO.

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