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so you've made it big....


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Originally posted by Watchdog

I didn't mean to imply I had one, what I meant was that is all I would need. A lot of bands burn white hot then fizzle and havn't got a thing to show for it financially. I was implying that I wouldn't squander a penny in the event my band crashed and burned.



My Dad refers to them as bottle rockets.

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Originally posted by Watchdog

Good analogy. It seems the faster you rise to success, the faster you burn out...kinda like Ricky Martin. By comparison, you take a band that rose slowly, they stick around longer.

Well were just pretending/having fun here. No need to get all financial advisor on us.:D




almost forgot....I'd buy a portugese water dog too. And a boat-car.

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I have thought about this for awhile:


Me and my wife used to play "what if you won the lotterey?" questions.


$10K-100K---I would pay off any debts I have, Since I've been on my budget I don't have as much (pay off house, student loans, fix teeth) buy some good cases for my drums? Like my finacial mentor says "imagine if you had everything paid off" What could you do with having your whole check to use?


100K-500k-- For sure pay off my house since it's more than 10K left on morgage. Let my wife get the car she wants (think like Honda Crv or Pilot) and get her shoulder surgery and plastic surgery she wants. That's at least 100k right there so if was closer to 500K would buy a decent ranch style home on 2 to 5 acres and make a nice drum room myself. What's left would go in savings.


500K-1mil--Have a decent style ranch/country home built with a drum room planned in. Take the family on trip to my homestate (Okla) and show them around. Then a family trip to where they want to go. Do some different stuff without going overboard. (fly commercial, stay at the resort, etc.) after all the stuff above and the rest in savings.


1-5 Million--- Have the house built, Have a STUDIO built in home. ( still keeping it small) Pay stuff off, travel a little more with more perks once (pay for the charters, one on one service etc) rest in savings. Would get a CPA or such if I could find a decent, honest one.


5-30 Million- Same as under 5 Mil. a few more perks here and there. Wouldn't be used to having that much money and rather than feel like I 'have to' spend it, I'd like to think that I could live on close to what I make now or even double. Anymore than that would be plain stupid and I don't want to be that "fool and his money" that gets parted. Would get an advisor and save and invest the rest.



30Million plus--- Now we're talking paying off morgages/buying homes for mom and siblings. Larger house on five/ten acres with built in studio. Maybe even my own small club nearby where I could play. Houseboat my wife wants. RV and travel the country. I still don't want anything where the maintaince/taxes/labor cost/insurance make it where I can get in over my head if hard times fall later.


Sorry Aqua, but this is the way life is, it can all be gone tomorrow. Yes, yes if I had all the money in world, you bet.... beer, sex, booze, women.


I got close to 10K when my grandma died, I paid off the $1,200 I owed to Visa, got some brand new glasses, bought a nice used truck from a friend and had the transmission fixed (got me through college and beyond) Got a new (my first) computer and a nice sly suit. Oh and some stereo speakers.


I charged more back on the Visa, the glasses perscription got old and worn out, the truck blew a flywheel and trans a few months after I got to FLA, the computer became obsolete and crashed, I grew out of the suit...all I have left is the speakers.


Sorry to be a downer....Just know that tough times never last...but tough people do.


So, in answer to the question, get the wife the most decent car within reason...

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Get a house for my parents. Get myself and my bro a house near downtown Vancouver, build a studio and a game room (foosball and a half-dozen computers for LAN parties!) in it.


If I hit it REALLY big, I'd establish and support a regular swing dance venue in the city :D.


Rest into savings ;) .

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Originally posted by Watchdog

Invest! Invest! Invest! How they hell do you think I was able to retire at 37? One "one hit wonder" and a check for 10K and I could turn it into a retirement! I sure didn't get it by my law enforcement pay and the measly pension. I make over $5000 a month from my investments alone. I hope that doesn't sound like I have a huge head, because I really don't. Drumming4Him...buy a house in Cali as soon as you can if you haven't already!!!!!!!!



Boring as it sounds, that's not too far off from what I'd do. Think about it, even if you just threw a million dollars in a simple ING savings accounts with it's current 4.4% APR, that $44,000 a year just in interest that you'd make for as long as you had it in there. At $2 million you'd be taking in $88,000 a year, a nice retirement. So that's what I'd do with the first $2 million. Why waste the money to maintain a lifestyle that will go away as soon as the popularity does? Why not spread out the fun for a while?


If we're talking more than that, then I'd buy a house that would accomodate a nice recording studio and my auto racing shop. Locate it out in the middle of nowhere.


And of course, the family members would reap some benefits. They've helped me out and I help them. It would be cool to pay off my sister's house, buy a better house for my parents, new cars for everyone, set up a college fund for the niece and nephew, etc.

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Jeeze I must be getting old cause the only thing that comes to mind is paying off my debt and using what's left to try to carve out a secure financial future for my family (ala some sort of investing). Oh.....and a ticket to that guys moon base! ;)

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