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vintage ludwig


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I don't know the answers to your questions. I just wanted to comment that I have a 1967 Ludwig bass and tom (18 & 12, black with white interior). Unfortunately, the wife threw away the resonant hoops during a move. I replaced the tom hoop and am going to fix up the bass drum (get the new hoop and resonant head, and replace the batter head which is oh about 30 years old, although I do wish that I had a bigger bass drum for the music that I play). (I just got a Pearl Reference brass snare, which is great, but I worry will overpower the rest of this kit. The 16" floor tom did not come with the set originally.)


I also wanted to comment that I love Norwich. I went to Dartmouth, and that lovely woman who threw away the hoops grew up just north of St. Johnsbury.

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You got me thinking, and I made some calls. I was told that the best bet may be ebay, although there are various vintage drum places and shows around the country. (Your options are more limited in Vermont.) Depending on condition, etc., probably $1000-2000 (very rough guess, could be higher) for your three pieces. I'm told that these drums sometimes sell better individually. Most folks here are more knowledgeable than I, so hopefully you can get more/better info.


This discussion has gotten me all worried about how my ballsy, new Pearl snare is going to sound in my old mellow Ludwig set. Won't be able to find out until practice on Sunday.

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Are these Oyster Black Pearl, ala Ringo? Or are they Black Diamond Pearl?


If they are Oyster Black Pearl and they aren't re-wraps and you can prove it, they can get a lot more than 2k on ebay. You have to take really good pictures of the shells. You need close up shots of the interior of the shells on the back of all the badge grommets, and you need top down shots on all the scarf joints. This will photographically prove they aren't re-wraps.


If you satisfy that, the Japanese collectors will probably bid them up to $4k easy, if they are in decent shape.

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Originally posted by cheeseadiddle

Are these Oyster Black Pearl, ala Ringo? Or are they Black Diamond Pearl?

If they are Oyster Black Pearl and they aren't re-wraps and you can prove it, they can get a lot more than 2k on ebay. You have to take really good pictures of the shells. You need close up shots of the interior of the shells on the back of all the badge grommets, and you need top down shots on all the scarf joints. This will photographically prove they aren't re-wraps.

If you satisfy that, the Japanese collectors will probably bid them up to $4k easy, if they are in decent shape.



It's just clicked, those sizes, in that colour, from that date.......


It's a Ringo kit isn't it!

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The market is definitely soft compared to this time last year. I'd hang on to the kit until our economy bounces back. I bought a 1968 gold sparkle Luddy in those sizes over a year ago. I paid $1400, although the kit was/is mint. I don't think I'd be able to get $1200 for them now, although you might have better luck due to the color.

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...trade for the peace kit. I wish they would get on the ball, and get those in more shops...



I know.There are no dealers within 100 miles of where I am.My guitar player owns a music store here, so I'm trying to get him hooked up.It just seems to me that the high end kits are harder to sell,so the smaller shops won't carry them because of the $$ involved.

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I know.There are no dealers within 100 miles of where I am.My guitar player owns a music store here, so I'm trying to get him hooked up.It just seems to me that the high end kits are harder to sell,so the smaller shops won't carry them because of the $$ involved.




True, but you can barley get them online now, what good is a sponsor if no one can find the gear?

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so I'm told my '64 black oyster pearl ludwig 4-piece (20,12,14) is worth quite a bit of dough... where/who can I sell this to & for how much?


my early 80's butcher block kit shells alone are worth 1500-2000 bucks. So your kit is probably worth a lot more.


I would keep them though. :thu:

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my early 80's butcher block kit shells alone are worth 1500-2000 bucks. So your kit is probably worth a lot more.

I would keep them though.



Those kits have been going for MUCH less on ebay. It's actually shocking how much cheaper you can get a vintage Luddy kit now.

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