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Tew bees. Japanese oak.



2B's or not 2B's. That is the question. Whether it is nobler to suffer the pains and blisters of a larger diameter stick....


Sorry. Had to do it.





I use 7A's for quieter gigs, 5A's for moderate level gigs, and 5B's for outdoor concert-style events. I think there are advantages to getting used to using multiple weight sticks. Of course, the disadvantage is that you gotta buy more sticks!

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I used Pro Mark 747's for about a decade, still have a few pair of those. I was advised to try some 420's (Mike Portnoy signature) which were good but to thin. I tried a pair of 7A's and similar concept, good but thin. So I went with 5A's last time and so far so good. They are the cheap store brand so I can only imagine that a 'real' brand might be even better.


I'd recommend a pair of 5A's.

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I switch it up from time to time...If I want a smooth stick with a skinny taper, I go with Vater Los Angeles 5A...When I want a fatter taper I use Vic Firth SD2 Bolero...


The Vaters are a nice hickory that lasts a long time (I have yet to go through my first pair), and the ends don't get chewed up easily and chip away...

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yhea... i was thinkin of goin 5A... i wouldnt buy zildjian sticks tho. my first sticks were the DIP series and they broke in 2 seconds- thus jading me against zildjian sticks forevermore. ive heard A LOT of good reviews on the japanese oak sticks, its just theyre soooo damn expensive, and i make barely-minimum wage, and have to pay for car insurance... soo im on a budget. ill get a pair of vic firth 5A's (nova sticks are vic firth but with cosmetic flaws) and see how they work! thx for the input. and i havent played any 2B- how thick are those?

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yhea... i was thinkin of goin 5A... i wouldnt buy zildjian sticks tho. my first sticks were the DIP series and they broke in 2 seconds- thus jading me against zildjian sticks forevermore. ive heard A LOT of good reviews on the japanese oak sticks, its just theyre soooo damn expensive, and i make barely-minimum wage, and have to pay for car insurance... soo im on a budget. ill get a pair of vic firth 5A's (nova sticks are vic firth but with cosmetic flaws) and see how they work! thx for the input. and i havent played any 2B- how thick are those?



There like this big compared to 7s or 5s


LOL Ya know I couldnt resist.. Im so used to the smaller sticks they feel like bats in my hands. But a lot of folks use 2.


Mike Chuckle chuckle

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yhea... i was thinkin of goin 5A... i wouldnt buy zildjian sticks tho. my first sticks were the DIP series and they broke in 2 seconds- thus jading me against zildjian sticks forevermore.


what the hell, are your drums solid concrete?

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I've had pretty bad luck with Zildjian; they tend to break on me (and they're the only sticks that I've straight-up broken)

I use Pro-Mark 747s, with Nylon tip

I also like the Aquarian Power Sleeve 5A; they're cheap but are just as good quality as the Pro-Marks

I used to use 2Bs, but they I was like "what's the point" because I can get the same power from 5A's, but without the added weight...I think it came with developing technique, but I'm not sure

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I use Vic firth 2bn 'sitcks'. In my opinion, zildjian make the weakest sticks of any major manufacturer. they don't splinter quicker, they just snap unbelievably quick. Having read some of the responses, it isn't just me having problems with them. I will never buy zildjian ever again.... i like pro mark, vic firth and vater

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Regal Tip 5BN E. had a pair of those fiber sticks, supposedly unbreakable, yeah right, I broke the tip off one after only a few uses.

also broke my zildjian 5a sticks... :confused:

I'm not breaking sticks en mass though. The pair of regal tips are going for the last 4 months.

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I'm not really sure what the numbers mean, but I've had 7AN's from the beginning. The shorter, the better I play. Hah.



The numbers are kinda like wire gauges.. The smaller the number the bigger the stick.


so in this case, a 5 is bigger than a 7 and a 2 is bigger than a 5. That it is how it was in the beginning time.. LOL now some folks have been making numbers and groups of numbers from them.


Hope that makes sense..



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