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OT: My experience with a Jehovah's Witness


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Tired of being bothered by JW? Here's what you do:


Ask for the phone number of their main office in your area. Call the number and request that you not be visited. Give your address.


If they still come to your door, just tell them that you have requested with the main office that you not be approached. They will immediately apologize and go away.


A good friend of mine (who is JW) told me this, and it works like a champ. In my case, I didn't even call in to the office. I just tell them I did, and they leave me alone!


Try it.

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Is there a way to just block HB and Fender, so their posts dont show up on threads? Or at least anytime either of them says "bible" or "god" or "I believe this" or "I think...", or the old chestnut, "I choose life!" ...?


Im into the judeo-christian stuff, Im even still a registered member of the UPC. But the benefit of being a person with faith, and rational education means I dont have to read doctrines in black and white, and go around believing anything without question. If I was god, I would like that in a person.




I wonder if I post some obscene things, if I can get this thread taken down...without being banned.

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Man... I'm a newbie just reading stuff here all the time, and this is a hilarious thread... :lol: I have an internet radio I run out of my dirt cheap home studio, and am wondering if I can use some of the materials posted here during my shows. Our town is currently under a heavy attack by a cult group from a foreign country, and I think it would be really funny to relay some of the funny encounters you guys posted here. Of course, it will be anonymous and I won't disclose the forum's name, either. Would it be okay?


My listeners will definitely appreciate these stories... :thu:

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Is there a way to just block HB and Fender, so their posts dont show up on threads? Or at least anytime either of them says "bible" or "god" or "I believe this" or "I think...", or the old chestnut, "I choose life!" ...?

Im into the judeo-christian stuff, Im even still a registered member of the UPC. But the benefit of being a person with faith, and rational education means I dont have to read doctrines in black and white, and go around believing anything without question. If I was god, I would like that in a person.

I wonder if I post some obscene things, if I can get this thread taken down...without being banned.



Censorship is rarely the answer , if you can't stand to read what they post just close your eyes and scroll down. All else fails you could avoid posts that are obviously about religon and such....?

And there is an "ignore" function , but to me that just seems silly.

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Is there a way to just block HB and Fender, so their posts dont show up on threads? Or at least anytime either of them says "bible" or "god" or "I believe this" or "I think...", or the old chestnut, "I choose life!" ...?



View their public profiles and then click on the 'add person to ignore list' link. I do find their posts quite humorous at times though. Curse my logic afflicted brain.

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Man... I'm a newbie just reading stuff here all the time, and this is a hilarious thread...
I have an internet radio I run out of my dirt cheap home studio, and am wondering if I can use some of the materials posted here during my shows. Our town is currently under a heavy attack by a cult group from a foreign country, and I think it would be really funny to relay some of the funny encounters you guys posted here. Of course, it will be anonymous and I won't disclose the forum's name, either. Would it be okay?

My listeners will definitely appreciate these stories...


That'd be awesome, especially if you posted the recordings of your show on youtube :thu:

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Man... I'm a newbie just reading stuff here all the time, and this is a hilarious thread...
I have an internet radio I run out of my dirt cheap home studio, and am wondering if I can use some of the materials posted here during my shows. Our town is currently under a heavy attack by a cult group from a foreign country, and I think it would be really funny to relay some of the funny encounters you guys posted here. Of course, it will be anonymous and I won't disclose the forum's name, either. Would it be okay?

My listeners will definitely appreciate these stories...


You can use my stuff, as long as you make sure to mention, many times over, how I demanded royalities like a total baby in vain.

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Is there a way to just block HB and Fender, so their posts dont show up on threads? Or at least anytime either of them says "bible" or "god" or "I believe this" or "I think...", or the old chestnut, "I choose life!" ...?

Im into the judeo-christian stuff, Im even still a registered member of the UPC. But the benefit of being a person with faith, and rational education means I dont have to read doctrines in black and white, and go around believing anything without question. If I was god, I would like that in a person.

I wonder if I post some obscene things, if I can get this thread taken down...without being banned.

:wave: I love you man!

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Perhaps. The Bible says "There is a way that seems right to a man, but the way thereof is death". In my mind, I think that if there is a God, then I have to be good enough, or work hard enough or give enough money to get into Heaven. But I didn't make the rules. If there is something I can do to get into Heaven, then the work of God is unnecessary, and I can take all the credit.

My "job" as a Christian is to direct people toward Christ. It's up to them to accept or reject it.

I have read the Bible many times. I have found nothing fallible it it anywhere. Did you come to Christ on His terms, or yours? I surrendered to Christ on October 12th, 2005 fully and completely. He has made Himself know to me in ways I can't explain. And every Believer anywhere in this world will tell the exact same story.

PM me if there is anything I can do to help.



:D:wave: Did I tell you guys??? I let another GAS attack get the best of me again..I got pdp Platinums on the way!!!! HOOO-HOOO!

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I think he's implying that he too has been ignoring FP and yourself



no no no ... I "winked" ;) ... EMOTICONS! DO YOU SPEAK IT?!!





(honestly, subject matter in threads don't bother me unless I let it. I can choose to read, ignore, comment ... whatever. It's a free country, ya know)

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Hahaha man that's great!

When I was a kid my friend had just gotten a replica katana for his birthday, so I was at his house looking at it. I spent the night and for whatever reason, we were running around in our underwear with this katana the following morning. While we were fooling around there was a knock on the door and yep, jehova's witness. I open the door, in my underwear, holding a katana, looking at these two young blonde girls (maybe, 20?). I calmly say "yes?" and they say "um... uh... maybe this isn't a good time" and I said "oh! no! now is a great time! would you like to come in?" and stepped aside, but they hurridly said "no.. thanks!" and hurried off to the car.

We laughed for a good hour.



That is awesome.


Fortunately I've never had to deal with those people because I live so far out in the woods.

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What does this have to do with drums, and why the hell do people have to drag our forum down to the irrelevant level of the EG room?



Gosh, it gets tough down here. Can't post unless it's about drums.


The way I see it, musicians have lives and drums make up a part of those lives. What's so wrong with people talking about the other things that go on in their lives? I mean, it's not like you were forced into click on the thread. There are tons of threads that I don't click on.

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Well, you have to understand it from their perspective. In order for their beliefs to work everyone must also be subject to them, otherwise it's not a universal truth. Therefore, since you are subject to what they believe, you are dammed to eternal hell unless you have their answer.

Since they know the doom that lies before you, and they have knowledge that could save you, they feel a certain obligation to at least try.

Honestly, if you knew a tornado was on it's way to hit some people's homes, wouldn't you try and warn those people? Same mentality.


Ehh - Apples to Oranges IMO. A tornado is something someone can see, another is someone belief. If I want info on someone's beliefs I will ask or research it myself not have them shove it down my throat. They don't even take "No Thank You" as a answer. They start talking about being saved, blah, blah, blah. Leave me alone unless I ask.:mad:

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