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OT: 6 Florida Teens Beat Up Fellow Teen


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(There's no audio in the clip, sorry i forgot the mention that before)



They're all getting charged as adults for battery/assault, false imprisonment, and three of them with kidnapping as well. By far the most sickening thing I've seen. I hope they get one hell of a sentence. If it was a one on one fight or a two on one fight I wouldn't think it's that bad cause it probably wouldn't have turned out so bad on the girl, but 6 on one and not letting her leave the house is {censored}ing ridiculous, I hope they all burn in hell.

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Couldn't hear any audio on my comp. Why in the hell were the girls beating her up?? Yeah, hope they sit in jail for awhile and understand that this ain't the OC, when you hit people in real life it's called assault and when you won't let them let leave on their own free will it's called false imprisonment.


THey probally won't learn anything, when they get out will be taping them all beating up the person that film the original. "Why in the hell did you have to film us beating that girl?? *Bam! BOP! Slam!" :confused:

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This type of behavior seems to be par for the course these days, All these kids have this gang mentality. I remember when I was a teen, if you even LOOKED like you were gonna jump into a fight (as the third man in) you would have gotten the crap knocked out of you by the watchers. Gentleman rules ALWAYS applied to fights. I.E. - No weapons, no hairpulls/nut shots/eye gouges/throat punches. If a person went down, the fight was over. The bystanders were also referees to enforce the rules of combat. And it was often expected for the winner to buy the loser a drink after the fight, if he was able to still open his mouth.

Nowadays , the kids have NO HONOR, they "fight" with weapons, the beating only begins when the victim goes down, as they then commence to kick and stomp them. And you can be sure that their mouths always run when they have all they're buddies to back them up. Its always someone they know they can beat that gets singled out. Real Heroes in this video.

I saw them all on CNN lining up for their individual arraignments with the judge and the acting they put on was astounding. The little puppy dog eyes, looking at the floor, appearing real sorry etc. Then the reports of them in the court room after this laughing and giggling, making faces at each other. etc.

They still think this is a joke!!!! I hope they all get a cell mate named BUBBA who uses them as toilet paper, and sells them for 2 packs of smokes............... FRESH FISH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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8 predators are what we saw there, and chances are that they will get probation (although 2 of the girls are already on probation). Just the way the justice system is.(but heaven forbid if you defraud the Government of taxes - just ask Wesley Snipes, he is looking at 3 years for tax evasion) If this behavior isn't addressed quickly, this will send out a message that its OK to do these predatory attacks, and there will be alot more vigilantes causing more damage. If that happened to me, and there was no jail time for the perpetrators, I probably would get a knife/gun/car or some other lethal weapon to even the score. When you understand that the victim is traumatized, their thinking may be skewed, and an eye for an eye will possibly become the norm.

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Disgusting. If you watch some of the other videos, some of the parents of the attacking kids actually try to defend their kids. I hope they get hit on all the charges because they deserve it. If that was my daughter that got beat, I may be sitting on death row for killing those 6 kids right now.

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Back in the 70's and 80's this happened with boys all the time.


"When the last child cries for a crust of bread

When the last man dies for just words that he said

When there's shelter over the poorest head

We shall be free" ...Garth Brooks

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The first time I heard of the Central Park Jogger and the Wilding incident, I said what the hell are we coming to. This is sad...we are a sad species at times...and don't tell me that TV and the violence games haven't helped this along. They are definitely not the cause (bad parenting is a big culprit there) but it sure does fan the flames.


I'm sorry I'm so old school. If I ever did something like this, my dad would have cracked me to within an inch of my life. And then turned me over to the authorities. Thankfully, they raised me right and taught me the values that don't seem to be apparent in this film.


Where has respect gone now-a-days, what happened to honor, what happened to doing the right thing. No, we see how much we can get away with, and still be relatively blameless. Now we just want to make a video of rotten behavior and put it on TV, or sell it to the highest bidder for a made-for-TV-movie.


It will never happen in this liberal, everybody is a victim, give them the benefit of the doubt, over analyzed world, but I hope they fry...sorry...I do!


As out of character as it sounds of me saying this, being the nice guy that I am, but sometimes I think there should be a thinning of the herd a little bit. I'm so scared now-a-days for my granddaughters growing up in this world, I just wanna put them in a glass bubble and keep all the crap away from them. I know I can't do that for a lot of reasons, but I could try...:D

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The first time I heard of the Central Park Jogger and the Wilding incident, I said what the hell are we coming to. This is sad...we are a sad species at times...and don't tell me that TV and the violence games haven't helped this along. They are definitely not the cause (bad parenting is a big culprit there) but it sure does fan the flames.

I'm sorry I'm so old school. If I ever did something like this, my dad would have cracked me to within an inch of my life. And then turned me over to the authorities. Thankfully, they raised me right and taught me the values that don't seem to be apparent in this film.

Where has respect gone now-a-days, what happened to honor, what happened to doing the right thing. No, we see how much we can get away with, and still be relatively blameless. Now we just want to make a video of rotten behavior and put it on TV, or sell it to the highest bidder for a made-for-TV-movie.

It will never happen in this liberal, everybody is a victim, give them the benefit of the doubt, over analyzed world, but I hope they fry...sorry...I do!

As out of character as it sounds of me saying this, being the nice guy that I am, but sometimes I think there should be a thinning of the herd a little bit. I'm so scared now-a-days for my granddaughters growing up in this world, I just wanna put them in a glass bubble and keep all the crap away from them. I know I can't do that for a lot of reasons, but I could try...


Ain't nothing wrong with old school

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I'm sorry I'm so old school. If I ever did something like this, my dad would have cracked me to within an inch of my life. And then turned me over to the authorities. Thankfully, they raised me right and taught me the values that don't seem to be apparent in this film.



Carmine, I agree. My dad would have done the same exact thing. Maybe I'm in the minority but I think it has to do with how they are raised by the parents. Today's parents are quick to blame everyone else but themselves. I take full responsibility for teaching my daughter the same values I learned and if she takes a step in the wrong direction, I won't blame anyone else but myself. That's the job I took on when I became a parent.

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I remember getting attacked by 2 guys outside a chicken shack after a teenage dance, and because I kicked the crap out of them (total self-defense and believe me , I was scared to hell the whole time thinking I was gonna die) they were just too drunk to be as tough as they thought they were. When my mother found out that I beat up 2 guys, she literally laid a decent beating on me and because I was laughing so hard while she did it, she stomped a mudhole in me while I was laughing on the floor. (she's all of 5' tall and 110 pounds)

Anyhow, when she realized that I was just defending myself, she marched me over to their house and asked to speak to the boys and their parents. She asked them why they attacked me, and they said they didn't like the way I looked and thought I would be fun to beat on. Their parents defended their actions and said I WAS THE ANIMAL FOR BEATING THEM SO BADLY.

My mother then said they better get their kids in check or they will end up in prison. Well one of them is dead now, and the other IS IN PRISON.

Another example of great parenting, just deny there is a problem with YOUR KIDS and blame it on someone else (me) ...... like I asked for them to attack me. Well anyhow, like said before, it all comes down to parenting. If you enable your kids to behave like they want and dont enforce any consequences to their actions, then punks are all you will end up with, and you have no one to blame but yourself.

(And the endless violence and desensitization society has with the up to the minute news, irresponsible journalism, super violent video games, bad messages from role models I.E. musicians/actors RAPPERS and rappers who pretend to be gangbangers is doing nothing to mould the youth of today into anything but writeoffs who didn't stand a chance) Parents need to stand up and give the kids today a good {censored}knocking like we got when we misbehaved.

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First of all, none of these girls know how to throw a punch. Just pathetic!




and don't tell me that TV and the violence games haven't helped this along. They are definitely not the cause (bad parenting is a big culprit there) but it sure does fan the flames.



Don't forget the Rock-n-roll! Isn't that the big youth corrupter?


I do agree with you about the parenting though. But I tend to think it has a lot to do with the divorce rate, and the fact that most families are two income out of necessity which means kids are being raised by daycares. I think it's hard for any parent to do a good job when they're only seeing their kids for 3-4 hours a day.

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I do agree with you about the parenting though. But I tend to think it has a lot to do with the divorce rate, and the fact that most families are two income out of necessity which means kids are being raised by daycares. I think it's hard for any parent to do a good job when they're only seeing their kids for 3-4 hours a day.


:soapbox:Excuses excuses excuses...both my parents worked the enitre time I was gowing up. I'm sorry but the parents have to step up to the plate. If you want a kid, you gotta do right by them...time, money, discipline, instilling values, letting them explore, and above all, knowing what it really means to be a good citizien and an integral part of the family. Talk is cheap, actions are what make the difference. There is NO excuse for behavior problems that can't be corrected...none...nada...zip. Parents just gotta be willing to take the time with their kids...or not have them at all. Kids are not mandatory...they are a privilege that we should hold close to our heart! And it's hard as hell to do sometimes, but they need a little whack on the bottom now and then when their little to let them know what's right and wrong.


There is a fine line that cannot be crossed between abuse and correction. Parents have to know their limits....and so do kids. It's called instilling values of right and wrong, and we ain't seeing it now-a-days. I was really thwacked only twice when I was growing up. And I remember both times very vividly because I deserved it...once when I crossed a busy street without looking and came within a foot of being run down by a car, and the second was when I went over to a friends house to play for about 4/5 hours and didn't let anyone know where I was going, even though I had been told many time just to let someone know ahead of time, where I'd be. I came home when it was dark and dad had enough power to lift me up completely off the ground with one whack...as soon as I walked in the door. And I got the standard..."Where the hell have you been...don't you know your mom was going crazy with being worried about where you were? Didn't we tell you time and time again not to go some place without letting us know how we can get a hold of you. WHAM!...right on my behind...no questions...no reasoning...no excuses! And guess what...I REMEMBERED IT TO THIS DAY! And then something else happened right after that...that needs to be done just as much...my mom grabbed me and hugged me and told me both were really worried something happened to me...and to never do that again. And then dad grabbed me and said the same thing...and then they both sent me to my room...no supper TV or nothing... Let's just say it made an impact...uh hum...literally...


OK it sounds cornball like Leave it to Beaver... but there is no excuse out there for bad parenting. The buck stops at the parents to do the right thing. I've been in fights...we all have, but this gangland horsecrap mentality has to be put in it's place. AND NOT JUST BY THE LAWYERS AND THE STATE...in the home is where it needs to start!


I'm off my soapbox now. Cast your stones if you care to, but we (society) all better wise up soon and forget about the excuses (the whys and motivations of these misfits) and stop over analyzing everything, and take control of our kids...love em to death AND correct their faux pauxs the right way, or we may not have a society left that doesn't resemble "Escape From New York".:confused:

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:soapbox:Excuses excuses excuses...both my parents worked the enitre time I was gowing up. I'm sorry but the parents have to step up to the plate. If you want a kid, you gotta do right by them...time, money, discipline, instilling values, letting them explore, and above all, knowing what it really means to be a good citizien and an integral part of the family. Talk is cheap, actions are what make the difference. There is NO excuse for behavior problems that can't be corrected...none...nada...zip. Parents just gotta be willing to take the time with their kids...or not have them at all. Kids are not mandatory...they are a privilege that we should hold close to our heart! And it's hard as hell to do sometimes, but they need a little whack on the bottom now and then when their little to let them know what's right and wrong.

There is a fine line that cannot be crossed between abuse and correction. Parents have to know their limits....and so do kids. It's called instilling values of right and wrong, and we ain't seeing it now-a-days. I was really thwacked only twice when I was growing up. And I remember both times very vividly because I deserved it...once when I crossed a busy street without looking and came within a foot of being run down by a car, and the second was when I went over to a friends house to play for about 4/5 hours and didn't let anyone know where I was going, even though I had been told many time just to let someone know ahead of time, where I'd be. I came home when it was dark and dad had enough power to lift me up completely off the ground with one whack...as soon as I walked in the door. And I got the standard..."Where the hell have you been...don't you know your mom was going crazy with being worried about where you were? Didn't we tell you time and time again not to go some place without letting us know how we can get a hold of you. WHAM!...right on my behind...no questions...no reasoning...no excuses! And guess what...I REMEMBERED IT TO THIS DAY! And then something else happened right after that...that needs to be done just as much...my mom grabbed me and hugged me and told me both were really worried something happened to me...and to never do that again. And then dad grabbed me and said the same thing...and then they both sent me to my room...no supper TV or nothing... Let's just say it made an impact...uh hum...literally...

OK it sounds cornball like Leave it to Beaver... but there is no excuse out there for bad parenting. The buck stops at the parents to do the right thing. I've been in fights...we all have, but this gangland horsecrap mentality has to be put in it's place. AND NOT JUST BY THE LAWYERS AND THE STATE...in the home is where it needs to start!

I'm off my soapbox now. Cast your stones if you care to, but we (society) all better wise up soon and forget about the excuses (the whys and motivations of these misfits) and stop over analyzing everything, and take control of our kids...love em to death AND correct their faux pauxs the right way, or we may not have a society left that doesn't resemble "Escape From New York".



You got that right!

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wow thats just plain evil. But thats what happens when schools kick God out. (1963 prayer outlaw). Not saying that kids should have to pray if they dont want to, but its interesting to see the dramatic crime increase with teens after 1963.


Yeah... that's totally it, kids stopped praying so now they're all violent and evil :rolleyes:


I trust you have conducted a rigorous regression analysis on data obtained about prayer rates and teenage crime rates since 1963, and factored in all other possible causes of this "dramatic crime increase with teens after 1963"?

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YES I happen to agree! Both my parents worked but the time that they did spend with me was very much worthwhile and they taught me very harsh lessons growing up. They were very loving but also very strict on those "fine line" things. Unlike Carmine, I got my ass beat a lot but only when I deserved it! Sometimes my dad went overboard, but within that day or a day later, he came and made it right or explained why he was so mad, which made me think even more.


Was a lot of dumbass me sneaking out at 14 on my bike late at night and only when my mom and dad made realize what could have happened did I understand how they could be so upset. I broke the rules, I was grounded and did not go out for a month or so and might have a good spanking to go along with it.


I was just now thinking, Many parents basically hope that their kids have at least half a better life than they did. SO I think mostly that kids have it so much better today, not all but some. I mean even in high school in the 80's if I was grounded to my room, it meant I had : My cheap ole Pearl imitation set with POS cymbals, an ole 70's stereo with phono and 8-track player that I had fitted with my 8 track to cassette adapter along with my Radio Shack learning lab headphones, An old 12" black and white TV That got 3 stations since cable wasn't ran to my room, a telephone extension to my parent's line that taken out whenever I was grounded, my bed and my aquaurium.


So many high schooler's today it would seem, cannot go through a day without Cell phones, Wi-fi laptop computers, a big screen cable or satilitte TV, a car that is no more than 5 years old. I had my own car that was made shortly after I was born and that I paid the insurance and cost on. No, I'm not blaming technology, but I am blaming the lack of parents to have the balls to take the {censored} away from bad kids. Or have them pay for their kids BS.


Cell Phone Family plan???? BULL {censored}T! get your own job and pay for your own cell phone if you want one!! oh but what if Johnny has an emergency?? what did they do in 1975 and 85? OMG!, they called the house or work phone and that worked just as well! WOW!



But yes is also a lack of proper parenting, where kids FEARED their parents knowing they were in trouble rather than parents using their lawyers to make things alright. Kids could be isolated to think about what they did wrong, rather than e-mailing their buddies, only to be told "Fucxk your parents" etc


So many young people trying to act like an adult when they are still so young. No body has gotten their "ass Whipped" in so long that it's hard to instill values to hardly anyone anymore. And my generation was such rebels jut because we wanted "MY MTV!!" LOL :lol:

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