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I Need Help with Fatigue

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Yup, all of the above suggestions are great. You should work on breathing correctly at all times. The biggest factor in muscle fatigue is improper breathing. Such as holding your breath (during strenuous playing/fills). This lack of oxygen to your muscles causes the muscle tissue to burn sugar without the aid of enough oxygen. This produces lactic acid buildup in the muscles and is called Anaerobic respiration (meaning without oxygen). I had similar problems and a few of the things that helped me was changing to a larger stick (but lighter) than I was using such as a maple stick, and concentrating on breathing at all times during playing. (this soon became normal and I didn't think too much about it once I became good at proper breathing.
I had a nasty habit of more or less holding my breath during power fills and super fast parts and this was a sure fire way to get hand cramps and forearm burning.
But seeing a doctor for a check up is not a bad idea, and working on your grip to maximize your efficiency is also a good idea. Make sure your kit is set up to minimize reaching. Eat right and get exercise other than drumming.
And work on building up your speed. If you are at your max while playing these songs, you are at risk of sacrificing proper technique just to keep up, and this in turn may cause injury. I notice when I try to play faster than I am able, cramping and pain soon follow. Hope you get it worked out for the better.

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Hold up...Don't listen to all this crap about cardio and eating right. Have you ever seen Abe Laborial Jr?? I doubt he is in good shape- but he can play full on for 3 hours straight a night. The main thing you need to work on is the Gladstone technique- letting the stick do the work for you. Practice holding your palms together and clapping your hands 800 times in a row- Do it every day. jojo mayer uses this warm up and it helps build up the small twitch muscles. And practice playing fast SOFTLY. You'll see it gets easier.

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