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Snare for christmas


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Hey guys,

i've decided to get a new snare for chirstmas. i'm in the early stages of looking at which one and i had to come here and ask your advice on snare's. like what wood or whatever.

i definitely admit i am a complete noob when it comes to looking at the different kinds of wood and all that and i was hoping for u guys could give me some info on what the different woods are and what the differences are. i really don't no what to look at.


and before u bag the {censored} out of me.......n noob baggings please. lol.

thanks guys

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What do you have now? If the answer is "just an old piece of crap" then get yourself a 6x14 or 5 1/2x14 either metal or maple. Those will be the most versatile. I'd recommend the Ludwig Supra or the Pork Pie maple.


If you already have something decent, consider a piccolo or an 8" deep birch for higher pop or big balls respectively.

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you should think about what you want to get out of this new addition... is this a replacement of your main snare? If so, what kind of music do you play?


Is this an addition to the collection? If so, then what do you already have, and how would you like to augment or differentiate the collection?


We'll stear you in the right direction.

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+100 for the Supra. Greatest all-around snare of all time. Often imitated, never duplicated. {insert cliche here}


I just got a Supra again not long ago after not having owned one for a few years and I've fallen in love all over again. Can't believe I sold the other one -- but it's easy money because there's always a market for them and I guess I needed the dough.

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