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one more piece of help (for me this time)

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hey guys - I REALLY appreciate the help on the other issue...now one for me


so the woman (without probing, I don't swing that way) wants to take me through the snare rudiments (like the academic rudiments)

I'm actually kind of excited about that


anyway, I dig that it can be a matter of taste, so there might not be THE answer...or even AN answer


but, once again, just looking for a push start in terms of direction to look


given that I'm looking at doing snare drills in isolation - I suppose I'd like to find something fairly dynamically responsive and/or something that has as big as possible tonal variation across the head [or maybe there are other concerns I haven't considered]

so I can work on those parts of control and expression as I learn.


given the situation, I'm not too concerned with volume or cutting through an ensemble.

As a musician of other sorts I'm comfortable with how a cheapie "beginner instrument" can be a false economy ...so I'm willing to take the financial hit to get something of decent quality


would you recommend a particular size/depth, shell material, etc?


again, I dig there might not be a capital A Answer, but any thoughts would be appreciated


the wife will take me shopping, but you know how it goes...sometimes the spouse isn't the right person to get you going


we call tandem kayaks "divorce generators" and I've learned not to try to help her with her bicycling

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are you looking for a snare?


yuppers! specifically for snare used as a self-contained instrument (outside a of "kit")

the wife comes from a pretty trad music background (her mom's a {censored}-hot pipe organist, etc) so really really.... REALLY strong fundamentals are kind of stressed in her environment

so yeah, she's looking to take me through the rudiments - if I can't make it on snare, don't have no bidnez...

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wouldn't it have been easier to just say I'm looking for a decent snare to play rudiments on? Although I do like the kayak analogy!


ah, if only it weren't true! (luckilly, I use greenland paddle and the wife uses "whiteman" paddles so we have some diversification which keeps the peace :thu: )


hmmm, interesting question


I guess I just wanted to make the drumming situation clear (I posted a Q about the wife's situation and folks wanted more details, so I thought I'd give some details up front)

After all I am a refugee from the other forums :) and over yonder, the "what's a good..." threads without enough info get pretty loaded/confused

you get all these funny answers with the answerer's particular style sort of overlaid on the answer ("I want a decent guitar to just learn the basics" -- "well you are going to need a BC Rich and a Marshall for proper metal crunch", "screw that, you need a 00 martin for good flatpicking projection!") :D


eh, and I also thought it might be best if I made it clear I'm not really aiming for kit integration with this mission -- you guys can tell me how much that matters, but I thought I'd better mention it in case it did



One thing I find kind of weird studying different instruments is how general musical training can effect things...my native is classical (yes, with the "al" -- I'm a retrogrouch :D) guitar, but when studying 'cello and gamba my ear for timbre and dynamics, etc was a few levels up from my actual (poor) playing ability. They wound up putting me on a more advanced instrument - not because I was good, but I just had musical exposure so I could hear/feel the differences in the instruments that didn't matter to less experienced students (now granted, they are both cordophones, but one's arco which is a whole different world)

how much that will affect me here? dunno - I can certainly say I'm allergic to trashcan lid cymbals on starter kits...the sound induces hives and seizures in me

so If I do ever move to kit, I'll have to invest there

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It's all good


just wanted to give details so folk's don't have to play 20 questions and all that.

trying to respect the forum as I am the FNG



I think we are victims of facepalm

IMO it's the worst thing to happen to the forum system in a long longtime. I mean it's inherently dismissive and belittling.

the interwebs make for poor enough communication as it is without having that hand grenade thrown into the mix.

I wish they'd kill that one

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tell EMS you are FUBAR and they need to get there PDQ (aka ASAP) otherwise you'll be SOL

hope we can stay on the positive side -- my first experience with the forum was outstandingly on the good energy side


Slight, I'm only screwin' w/ ya. The energy's still good. Your question's really been answered man. You can't go wrong w/ an Acro or a Supra. LFG has great sources I'm sure. He's a good dude and has treated me very well.


I'm in a pre-construction meeting right now that is drier then the Sahara. So, hope I didn't offend you, just bored, and a lot to read on a BB.


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I'd go looking for a wood shell w/ wood rims. I converted my old Pioneer from metal to wood and was amazed at the increase in tone and response.


Some will recommend metal snares , nothing wrong w/ the right metal snare , just like a poorly made snare won't sound good just cause it's made of wood.....but over all I've always prefered the sound of wood.

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Slight, I'm only screwin' w/ ya. The energy's still good.


It's good - seriously, FNG's gotta get his chain pulled a little

just the way it is ;)


Your question's really been answered man. You can't go wrong w/ an Acro or a Supra. LFG has great sources I'm sure. He's a good dude and has treated me very well.


Cool! - yeah he's working it out for me


I'm in a pre-construction meeting right now that is drier then the Sahara. So, hope I didn't offend you, just bored, and a lot to read on a BB.



this I understand...my other box is crunching some numbers as we speak (which is why I'm here)


nah, no worries - not offended, I dig it's just for :poke: :poke:

just wanted it to stay that way...you know how it goes, every once in a while in a forum something just doesn't start out right and things get off track.

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Oh good, stop me if you've heard this one


An engineer drives up to his engineer friends house on a brand new Harley. His friend asks him where he got the motorcycle. He says he was at home and opens the front door of his house to find a beautiful woman sitting on a brand new Harley. She walks up to him, takes off all her clothes and says "you can have anything you want."


His friend says "good thing you didn't take the clothes, they probably wouldn't fit".

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