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Too much bass head vibration


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Whenever I hit my bass drum, I get the thud and boom I want, but it always seems that the reso head is still vibrating more that I want it too, making an annoying resonating sould.. If I loosen it, it's really bad, so I tightened it, and it's better. It's hard to notice while playing, but it still kind of bugs me. It might help to mention I have the stock head, and the kit is kind of cheap. Would a new bass reso head help, maybe a 2 ply?

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What's the sheet trick? I figured it meant just throw a sheet in, but the someone alluded to it only applying to the batter head...



I learned it in the studio but applied it to live situations as well and it was great for giving a really big thuddy open sound without having any overtones and goofy harmonics. I told it to Marko and he tried it in the studio and it worked for him when he was having trouble getting the tight sound. He was the one that eluded to that fact this trick pertained more to the batter head than the reso.


Pull the rim and head off the batter side Find a nice thin sheet and cut a 30" or so square out of it (don't try this on one of your wifes 700 thread count sheets, but any sheet will do. Drape the sheet over the entire opening of the drum shell. Make sure there are no wrinkles but do not pull it taught yet. Put the head right over the sheet, then add the rim and lugs. Tighten just hand tight. Grab the edges of the sheet and pull it taught in all directions. The sheet is then trimmed to size, with about an inch of sheet peaking out from under the head, all the way around. As Your pulling the sheet with one hand, slightly tune that particular lug, just to make sure the sheet stays put. After the sheet is snug against the head, tune your drum, and pull any type of internal muffling out of the drum and leave it wide open. Your sound will have attack, a nice pitch, good bounce and NO ovetones...just a thud. Put a mic on it and eq to taste and it will thump your brains out...I used this rechniques with everything from an 18" to a 24" and it saved me many a times. It cuts the boominess and let's the punch come through....

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