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OT": Any amatuer astronomers here? LCROSS Moon impact tonight!


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Long story short, i've been getting into amatuer astronomy a bit lately. Yep, I'm a massive nerd, what of it? :poke:


NASA are crashing a space craft into the moon tonight to study the debree plume (this morning your time - 7:30am EDT. Tonight for me).




I was hoping to be able to observe it with my brothers 12" dobsonian, but unfortunately the moon will not be visible here. I''ll have to settle for watching NASA TV's coverage.






If any of you happen to have a telescope and check it out, I'd love to hear about it!

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I didn't check it out, but I knew it was going down. Even If I had gotten my hands on a telescope, it was too cloudy with all of this rain we're getting.


My 8 yearold did call me this morning and said he'd seen it on TV. I'll check it out today on the 'putor.


He said it was a big cloud od dust and WATER. I'll need to see that, but maybe he's correct and they did hit wayer and ice.


Gotta admit, it is interesting. But now if they find lunar critters, they need to leave them there and not bring them back here to study.


Way too Alienish for my comfort level.

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heard about it. c'mon, marko. little gnarly green guys with fangs would be cute. they could market them. big daddy could put some cajun seasoning on 'em. have an open mind.



Yeah!!!! invite the little green thingy's to the October Drum Fest to teach Marko how to Moon Walk before ya toast'em.

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How in the hell did a lunar impact thread turn into a rag on marko thread.

As far as having an open mind I do. It's cavernous actually.

Finally, how do you know they're green? I kinda think they're gray. I don't believe there's color on the moon. It's all black an white, with a few shades of gray in between.


And, did any of you comedians watch "Alien"?

I don't think Tums or Prilosec will relieve that amount of pressure.

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How in the hell did a lunar impact thread turn into a rag on marko thread.

As far as having an open mind I do. It's cavernous actually.



rag on marko? it's only right.


hey, everyone, marko's cavernous!





take that, assless chaps-man.:wave:

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