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When did drum heads make a kit worth more?!?!

Hope Drums

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So my search continues for matching 8" and 16" toms for my Tama Rockstar kit.....It really gets me searching CL and the people who think their kit should be worth more, because they have put "better than factory heads" on them. As if used Evans/Remo/Aquarian heads are REALLY expensive to replace :facepalm:


I wish I had some type of automated system that would search for these listings and send them a message:


"You changed the heads out because you didn't like them....why do you think others will like YOUR choice of heads?!?!"




"How much are the replaced heads worth?" then followed by reply "Ok, I'll give you $xx (asking price - the head value) for the kit, you keep the damned heads!"


Now, if they want to include a full set of NEW batters and resos. of MY choice....then that's a deal!

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People post all kinds of stupid crap on CL. If I were you and I was really interested in a particular kit, I'd turn that logic around on them. If "better than factory heads" up a kits value, well, tell them to keep the heads and deduct that value from the sale price. Since they gave it such a bump, you should be able to get a nice discount by their logic.


EDIT: Which is apparently what you said in your original post that i didn't read thoroughly enough after my day of broken Vistalites and flaky musicians!

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Sometimes stuff like that works in your favor though, I got a guitar cheaper once because it had a broken string and wasn't "tuned" up.. lol..

He said "but, that's the only problems, it has"..

Also got a vintage guitar cheaper, because the strings weren't original..

Use the stupidity to your advantage man..

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