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Singing from stomach/diaghram and not the throat


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I agree that singing from the diaphragm is an inaccurate term, but it's one of many that vocal coaches use to evoke responses in areas of the body that we don't normally have intuitive control over. It is true that pitch is created by the throat, but it does students no good to think in these terms--that would inevitably produce tension in the throat and neck. Controlling pitch, rather, ought to be an unconscious process in terms of the throat; you just do it in the same way that you just walk across the room (i.e., you don't say to yourself, "now I'm going to send a signal from my brain down my spinal cord to contract my left gluteal and thigh muscles...", etc.). Rather, you imagine a sound in your head and your throat just does it.


Singing from the diaphragm is a way of distracting attention from the throat so that it can respond to commands from the brain. :cool:

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I thought it was pretty self-explanatory that when someone says "sing from your diaphragm" it just means singing while using your diaphragm for support rather than your voice/sounds actually coming from your diaphragm.. I mean isn't that how it's commonly meant when people use that expression? Anyway, yeah, that's how I meant it. :)

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I've said it before and I'll say it again.


The PTD-1 breath trainer. It changed my life as a singer. I found out about it from Jaime Vendera. He uses it, and one of his students sells it. You should not be pushing "out", you should be pushing DOWN.

The link to it is in my signature.





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