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Hearing Your Own Voice


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How do you personally feel when you listen back to your singing


Years back I used to enjoy it. Now when I even attempt to go past a few seconds immediately look for the mute button!


When I'm singing, specially in front of people, it feels great and i enjoy it.


The only time I feel i can bare listening to my recordings are when I'm using a Condenser Microphone, or if I listen to something really old (month usually).

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I think it's like this with everybody. I absolutely hate to hear my voice recorded...I tend to obsess and redo things until I think it sounds perfect. Then I go back and listen to the first take and it was fine. Even after that, I don't really enjoy listening to it...it usually takes a couple weeks, then it grows on me. Weird...

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When I'm listening back to my recordings, I approach it from a very analytical standpoint. I listen for the good and bad parts and also how to improve it. You shouldn't be too hard on yourself when listening back. If the part sounds bad then I'll do another take and try to focus harder. I find that if my mind drifts while recording then a lot of weird things might happen, like singing the wrong note, voice cracking even though its far below my break, etc. For myself, I noticed that focus plays a big role.


Btw, do you record with headphone monitoring? If you don't, then you should, you can learn how to control the tone and color of your voice better.

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Listening to the bad parts of a recording can be disheartening if you don't really have any idea of how to improve them.


But then, the good parts can be very motivating. I have a few clips (we're talking handful of seconds) that I use as windows sounds, because hearing them makes me feel like there's hope after all etc etc.



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Well, I know exactly what you're talking about! For me it's also very weird when I listen to my own voice. At the moment, I'm not really "working" on my voice or recording certain things, I just sing for fun. However, when I do record an idea and listen to it, it feels really weird. I've heard that from a lot of singers, though. Besides, I think it's like that for almost everybody - think of people who see / hear themselves after being filmed, for instance. Most of the people are always like "oh my god, do I really sound like that?!". Of course, singers are usually a lot more used to the sound of their voice from all the recording and listening, but all in all it seems to be normal.


Edit: I have to ask a little off-topic question here, since it won't work in my other thread - I tried to reply to my thread "To sing or not to sing" twice now within the last 24 hours, but it always says the reply won't be visible before a moderator accepts it. Why is that? Here I can post and it immediately shows!

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Ya, I do that. I will be watching like a family video and say is that my voice? I just dont think that is what I sound like talking.


But when I sing, I usualy dont have a problem with it. I just cant stand my talking voice.

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You guys just need to listen to your own recordings more and get use to it. And its true for me as well, I don't have a problem with listening to my singing voice. However I can't really stand my speaking voice, I sound like some geeky kid or something. (Or at least that's how I feel) lol :lol:

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