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Pitch Exercise Suggestions?


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Okay, I think i finally found out what i need to work on and that is pitch.


Any suggestions on pitch exercises would gladly be appreciated.


So far I've been practicing playing 1 note and singing that note accapella then adding more notes etc.. An idea for a more advance version would be to cut out pieces of songs and try to sing it back without the music..etc..

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Pitch is one of those things that just sort of slugs its way along as you work on other aspects of using an instrument, be it your own voice or something else.


But, assuming you can hear if you're actually in unison with some source, what you should practise is jumping certain intervals at different speeds. Maybe this is what you said you'd already done?

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Seriously, solfege has been helping me out a lot recently. It {censored}ing sucks!!!!!!!! Big time!!!!!!!! I hate doing it, but it helps.


If I'm in the car, I'll just go do-fa, do-fa, do-sol, do-me on different pitches. It's a real bitch but it gets easier after 1-2 weeks.

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@Duke Thanks I'm starting back to basic with Singing back single notes.. Solfege is helping tremendously as well *I Found out I kind of waver in and out on holding a single note


@Masklin Appreciate you'r tips & advise.. My ear is developing pretty decently I can hear when I'm in unison with a note & also matching notes on instruments i usually find is easy. Problem I'm working on now is just singing out a single note without dropping out of pitch.

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Seriously, solfege has been helping me out a lot recently. It {censored}ing sucks!!!!!!!! Big time!!!!!!!! I hate doing it, but it helps.

If I'm in the car, I'll just go do-fa, do-fa, do-sol, do-me on different pitches. It's a real bitch but it gets easier after 1-2 weeks.



So you remember which word (do, fa etc) corresponds to the right note? I can't...I can SING the notes fine, but I forget which one is what. lol I have to count in my head up the scale.

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@Duke Thanks I'm starting back to basic with Singing back single notes.. Solfege is helping tremendously as well *I Found out I kind of waver in and out on holding a single note


James, yes, my pitch waves too, but it has gotten better over time. That's the important thing to realize: nothing improves overnight, but little by little over the course of weeks you notice a lot of improvement, especially if you have before-n-after recordings.


Solfege I think is the single most important pitch exercise out there, both acapella and with simple maj/minor triads in back.


Grace, if you cannot remember that do-re-mi-fa-so-la-ti-do corresponds to specific pitches :facepalm::facepalm::facepalm::facepalm::facepalm::facepalm:

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lol@duke. I know they correspond to the different pitches, but I don’t have the memory to sing Do Fa Mi Ray Do, etc, and get the right notes. Unless I was just copying someone else who’d just sung it, I’d have to literally count in my head. I am dumb, but that doesn’t mean I can’t sing. Lol.

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James play a note and sing a note and of course make it two notes then three notes etc...... Next you want to do what she said: sing a note and find that note on the keyboard as quickly as possible. Over time you should get to where you can sing a note and find it quickly on the keyboard. Next you want to sing two notes and follow suit. Then three notes, four notes ect... This is best way to acquire hand-ear-voice-eye coordination. Eventually you should be able to play whatever you hear or can sing from any source outside your body and any source inside your body.

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I found that the TV Games "Singstar", "Rock Band" or "Guitar Hero" are very useful for nailing pitch, phrasing and control. Especially Singstar, on difficulty "Hard" when you get into the 90% + score on songs you are starting to have very good control, I would say you are within star skills. In the 80-90% you have either good pitch or phrasing or OK both.


I suggest Rock Band 3 or Singstar online version as both have 1500+ songs to choose from. I use those games and most of my bands repertoire is available. It's a great game to learn the lyrics and melody of our songs + it gives the bonus of being a fun way to practice vocal technique at the same time. It's simply time and cost effective. The score is a good way to keep track of where you are and motivates to beat yourself and getting better!! :-)

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