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A couple more tunes from the pianoman


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It's been a month or so since I posted my initial efforts at singing.


To recap, I'm an accomplished pianist who had not started singing until 2 months ago!


Here are a couple of new tunes for anybody who cares to listen and critique. I've been working on breath control and think my pitch and tone has improved although I notice I still tend to sing flat from time to time.




There you will find a Howard Jones cover and a very laid back re-recording of Angels. Hope you enjoy!

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I am listening to Hideway. Very nice piano. You pitch is a little off sometimes but your voice is pleasant enough. You might try "singing above the note" on the high notes, something I learned from a video somewhere and it seems to be working for me. I think it is tough at this point in the recording process - getting the dynamics and expression out so it comes through in the recording. Your singing sounds to me to be a little dull and boring at times - I get bored at 1:48 "Hope you find it" and at 2:00 "Hope you find me in you" does not makes sense to me. Maybe it's just me. At 2:45 "She completely forgot where she'd hidden herself" and I'm lost. Dynamics or singing in another octave might bring this out. It might help to look in a mirror when you practice and record, you might notice that your mouth and face can move more, is capable of greater expression than recorded here. I am working on my pitch problems by playing the melody note by note on guitar and singing along, I think it helps me stay closer to correct pitch - You might try singing with the piano melody along to learn the pitch closer. It might help to have another musician coach you as you play the song phrase by phrase so you get immediate feedback on dynamics and phrasing.

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Thanks for the feedback. I thank you for taking the time to listen to the entire song and appreciate your honesty.


Very true about it sounding a bit bland. Gotta work on that. It's easy to overlook expressiveness, dynamics and emotion when you're starting out, instead the focus is more on technique and just hitting the correct notes. Of course, conveying some emotion and feeling is just as important, if not more so than good technique. Thanks for bringing that to my attention.


Thanks btw for the compliment on the piano playing.


Both songs sound a bit crappy in the cold light of day. It's strange that in the heat of the moment after making the recording they seem to sound a lot better...


Still it is nevertheless helpful for me to make them public, good or bad, and get some useful feedback.

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