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ESP Bass question


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Hey guys, I don't post often here or anywhere for that matter. I play guitar, drums, bass and do recording so I spend time reading all over HC.


So anyway, I finally ordered up a bass of my own after borrowing from friends to do recordings. I ordered an ESP F-255 5 string and I'm hoping it'll be nice. I don't play bass in a band, just on recordings and for fun. The last one I was using was a $50 Peavey thing that was total yuck. So I'm hoping I'll be happy with my purchase.


To get to my point, I just read some more reviews on the bass and have some worries now. I read one where the guy said that the place on the bridge that holds the string bent and then snapped off. I've never seen something like this happen before. Is this something I need to worry about? In another review a guy said that after adjusting the action that the strings buzzed terriably unless the action was really high. This is something else I don't want happening.


Can you please tell me if these are real problems that I need to worry about? I was thinking if something went wrong with the bridge I could install a new one someday, but I'd rather not go through that. Anytone have experience with this bass that they could share?


I also ordered a bass PODXT that I hope will be fun to record with. :)


Thanks for reading guys,


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The first one sounds like a fluke. It happens. The bridges on the site look HUGE. I can't see anything happening to one of those without some serious damage coming in.


If the neck is set too tight, then the bridge will have to come way up to compensate. Makes anything past the 5th fret ridiculous to play. Any decent bass (and ESP makes some decent stuff) can be set for a low action that is fairly buzz free as long as you aren't hammering the strings.

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