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OT - punctuation, grammar question

chris dax

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Either would work, I think.


In the former, the $ sign is implied.


In the latter, it is explicitly stated.


But then again, with some of the rules English has, it wouldn't surprise me if the former is grammatically incorrect (using it informally, though, would be fine I would think). An example would be, "He had gotten the milk from the cows and from the goats." Formally, you would have to use from. Informally, the from is implied and you could simply say, "He had gotten the milk from the cows and goats."



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Originally posted by the_big_geez

Is this a trick question?

I could be wrong, but I think should is spelled s-h-o-u-l-d, not s-h-o-u-d.





Thanks everyone...looks like $1,500 - $1,800 is the people's choice.


I know I could count on you all....c-d

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