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one of those "what should I get?" inquiries...


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I need some recommendations here. After playing guitar for 17 years and fiddling around on some basses I've decided that I MUST get a bass of my own. I've reserved some things I want in a bass and I'm wondering if anyone here can point me in the right direction.


1. up to $1000

2. five string

3. 34" scale

4. neck thru - but I'll consider a bolt-on if the heel is smooth and nicely done

5. fretless

6. piezos - not required, but it'd be nice to have

7. active/passive switching

8. tung oil finish


I like those really swoopy assymetrical shapes but that limits me even more.


Any ideas?

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Cort B4FL fits most of your requirements.


-Well under $1000

-34" scale, 35" on the 5ers


-Active/passive switching on current models, and the electronics are nicely done.




-No piezos on the B series Artisans

-Bolt-on neck. The contours on Cort basses are usually very nice but the neck-thru model isn't avaialbe in fretless, this is as close as it gets.

-I'm pretty sure it isn't a tung oil finish.

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I really just want the tung oil on the neck. On the body it isn't so important. I'm lookin on ebay and some of those warwicks look pretty enticing. I never even seen cort basses before either, they look really nice too. It sucks being budget limited, otherwise I'd just get a custom built.

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Originally posted by KovachianOne

I really just want the tung oil on the neck. On the body it isn't so important. I'm lookin on ebay and some of those warwicks look pretty enticing. I never even seen cort basses before either, they look really nice too. It sucks being budget limited, otherwise I'd just get a custom built.



Warwicks are either love or hate. If you like them, look into them some more.


Cort is the biggest guitar manufacturer today. Most of their products are branded for other makers, though. I think 90% or more of all Korean Ibanez instruments are Cort made, for instance. They used to be pretty junky but nowadays they make some good stuff.


Godin is very well liked on the forum. They make some interesting instruments and seem to fit into a niche other companies don't go near.


Carvin will make what you want but you'll have to pay for it. Carvin basses are VERY nice though!

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Of course I can't forget Carvin. I scored a DC747 a few months back and it's nothing short of spectacular. I was looking at the LB75 and it just made me curious of any other companies that make something similiar. I thought about their bunny brunel model but I don't think the wider string spacing will work so well with my small hands.


How about that Lightwave bass, any thoughts on those optical pups?

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Jazz Ad has a JAF equipped with Lightwaves, and a few other forumites have tried them.


Basic consensus is that they are much more sensitive to little variations than magnetic pickups. The body wood, neck joint, string material etc. all make a difference anyway, with a Lightwave those differences come out a little more.


I guess that they produce the fundamental so well that it sounds odd. The human ear isn't used to hearing just the fundamental of a note except as a sin wave. The Icetone Piezo adds the harmonics in.


Its different. I'd like to try one.

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