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OT: Question about aging, doting parents


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To give a bit of background, my folks live about 200 miles from me (both in their mid-seventies) and they don't seem to get out that much anymore. They seemed to have resigned themselves to staying in and watching the tv, that's about it.

The only thing is now that they're in their mid-seventies and both could use some hobby or something to keep their minds busy instead of calling me every night and asking me if I'm alright, how's my sex life etc. etc....

Now they've been seriously talking of moving to my city of residence so they can spend more time with me, they've even menbtioned about the three of us getting a place together. I'm a 37 year old man with my own life and that just wouldn't be do-able thank you very much.

They've given me nothing but unconditional love and support in everything I've done through my life, and I've always held back my feelings about this. How do I tell them how I really feel?

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Lovingly and honestly. Honesty is always the best course of action. Keep in mind that no matter how you phrase it to them, it will hurt them some. Just make them understand that it's not that you don't love them and you are thankful to them for all they have given and done for you, but you have your own life now. They need to understand that it's also not that you don't want them around...you just don't want them around all the time.


No matter what happens, they need to know that you love them and care about them. I've discovered that some elderly people revert to an almost childlike need for attention.


I've reread this stuff about three times and I still don't feel like I'm coming across right... :(

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