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band of the day thread.. good idea?


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just curious, i was talking on another thread a little while ago about starting to do a band of the day thread every weekday..


basically, im obsessed with finding new bands so ive always got a bunch of cool new music, and i was thinking maybe i could share some of it with you guys.. get you guys some new music, and maybe help out the bands with a few more fans. :p


but how many of you would check out the bands i post? cause, it seems like a decent idea, but people tend to just go "oh that's cool" and move on, never actually checking out the band.. plus with the recent spat and all, i think some of you may hold a grudge against me :freak:


so would it be worth it? would you guys be into this? if more than say, 3 or four people check out each band, then it'd be worth it to me.. :D



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Originally posted by megadan

No offence, but do you know a lot of really good bands? What would you be recommending? give me some examples...


most of what i'll be posting wont really be representative of what i consistantly listen to, cause what i like tends to be too out there for most people... i'm just going to try to post bands that the general public would find appealing, but at the same time is creative and interesting. It will mostly be of a fairly upbeat nature, no metal or any other primarily 'dark' music, unless i see demand for it. probably no punk, either.


but dont think that by that description i'll be posting a bunch of top 40 type stuff, or on the other end of the spectrum, a bunch of gimmicky indie bands.. it will be music that can be taken seriously from both a 'diciplined' standpoint and a 'creative' standpoint, just straight out kicking ass, and is generally sonically pleasing


that's basically what im going after. this will be hard to accomplish every single time, because that would just about be the perfect band and a lot less of them exist than should, but i've got a lot of bands that come close, so hopefully this will work out well


and of course this being a bass forum i'll try to make sure the bands i post have great rhythm sections :p


a good example of a bigger band some of you might know, that i would post, is Minus the Bear. catchy, creative, interesting, disciplined, badass. in fact, that is what i plan on making my first post about. other bands will probably not be so big, cause im trying to get some smaller bands fans while doing this


sound good?

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Originally posted by bigby

How about a thread posting specific styles, then everyone can throw out some bands of that genre that others may not have come across?




not a bad idea, i'd just be worried a lot of good bands would be lost in the mix, if a lot of different bands were listed.


know what i mean?


still not a bad idea though, something to consider.

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Originally posted by JenjaBen

mmmmm....minus the bear. me likey much


oh yes


without a doubt, one of the best bands to come out in quite a while. pretty much everyone i've ever shown it to likes it. they've just got so damn much to offer!


doesnt hurt that the guy from botch is in it :p

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Originally posted by ryanstanley

oh yes

without a doubt, one of the best bands to come out in quite a while. pretty much everyone i've ever shown it to likes it. they've just got so damn much to offer!

doesnt hurt that the guy from botch is in it


Great band.


Anybody listen to The Standard?

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:thu: idea i'm always up for new stuff you never know what will strike your fancy. there are a lot of kick ass bands out there that a lot of people have never heard of and other wise might be totaly over looked. some of my favorite groups are ones that almost no one has heard of except musicians and even a lot of them don't know who i'm talking about primarily 60s and early 70s stuff. I don't know how many of you guys and gals are into or like that kind of stuff but if you are I've got lots of it so just let me know and I can burn some if you interested.
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Originally posted by tylytle

"How about a thread posting specific styles, then everyone can throw out some bands of that genre that others may not have come across? "




i dont know.. it just seems like people might not take it as seriously if just anyone is posting bands...


not saying im god of all music knowledge or anything, its just.. i dont know.. not everyone is going to like any random band posted by the average joe, and i was planning on doing a lot of looking around and researching to find bands i felt everyone would be able to get into.


this would be cool, because then everyone gets to participate, and of course there would be more music to choose from, but it just seems like it'd end up falling apart once people checked out the first five bands in the thread and hated them. the only way it could work is if everyone was involved in it as much as i would be.. almost if it were some HCBF "project".. and i just dont think people are motivated enough to really get into that


know what i mean?

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Who cares? You don't need permission to try something new. If we don't like it we will let you know by lack of interest in the threads... and subsequently, they will drop like a stone.

No one really cares if you pissed off Darkslide:D.We don't have a tainted view of you so don't worry about it.

Although I didn't dig Minus the Bear.



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Originally posted by willsellout

Who cares? You don't need permission to try something new. If we don't like it we will let you know by lack of interest in the threads... and subsequently, they will drop like a stone.

No one really cares if you pissed off Darkslide:D.We don't have a tainted view of you so don't worry about it.

Although I didn't dig Minus the Bear.





yeah, i just wanted to make sure itd be worth the effort... im not spending like a haf hour out of a day listening to and analyzing a bunch of music with a notepad or something if nobody's going to give a {censored}.



you didnt like minus the bear? any particular reason? or just not your thing?


im usually pretty good at finding music pretty much everyone can at least tolerate..

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Originally posted by ryanstanley

im usually pretty good at finding music pretty much everyone can at least tolerate..




Don't assume that....... you don't really know anything about a lot of the people here or what they are like. Good music for you may not be music for them. I think it would be better if was a cross-genre thing with recommendations by all like bigby said.

If that's not what your original idea is, then maybe you should approach it like "Basshunters Relaxing Picture Of The Day" and have a "Ryan's Band Of The Week" thread. I'd check it out from time to time.

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