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Is there anything comparable to the Fender Amp Field Guide for Ampeg?

The Aardvark

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They say it needs to be re-tubed.



did they say why? could be a ploy just to get more money out of you. if you know any decent repair techs you could probably have it done cheaper yourself. ask what the price would be if they didn't do anything to it.


that may be too risky depending on what your comfort level are with older tube amps. i'm just assuming it's older.


actually i'm assuming a lot, sorry i can't be more help.

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Originally posted by sk8g0at

never heard of a B4U before. do you have a pic or link?

maybe ask someone in alt.guitar.bass or alt.guitar.amps



Also, google yields nothing, therefore it doesn't exist.

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Originally posted by sk8g0at

did they say why? could be a ploy just to get more money out of you. if you know any decent repair techs you could probably have it done cheaper yourself. ask what the price would be if they didn't do anything to it.

that may be too risky depending on what your comfort level are with older tube amps. i'm just assuming it's older.

actually i'm assuming a lot, sorry i can't be more help.



They aren't offering to re-tube it, just telling me I'll need to. I'm fairly comfortable with tube amps, I've had quite a few of them (guitar amps). Maybe I'll email Ampeg for info. Thanks anyway.

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Originally posted by FreestyleIntruder

They make a B4 - but it aint tube

Sure it wasn't a V4B?


Good idea, but a V4B doesn't IIRC have "SVT" written anywhere on it, and 400$ would seem a bit much, although I can't provide a just price myself.

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