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I achieved a life-long goal at our gig today!

The Aardvark

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Originally posted by Onkel Bob

How much did you get? I think that I've been paid around 200$ in total for playing... Sad, isn't it?



It wasn't very much, but that's not the point! The Festival has already said that they want us back next year, and we are starting to actively look for other gigs! Hopefully, this will be the first of many!

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Playing paying gigs are cool, I didn't really consider that a life-long goal though, but that's great you reached yours, sorry if I made it sound insignificant because it really is an achievement as a musician. I just saw it as another stepping stone to my main goal.


I've made about $1500 playing music so far... too bad I've spent way more money than I'd like to think on getting this far :l

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Originally posted by Onkel Bob

I'm ex-changing e-mails with a potetial band right now that might fit the bill. But they want me to play Sweet Home Alabama...


Dude, I don't know what you're complaining about, there's no possible way you've heard that song anywhere near as often as we have here in the States. You can't possibly want to claw out your eyeballs when you hear it.:D

Besides, it's such an easy song, you can stand there and dream about boobs for 5 minutes...it's like taking a break mid-set.:thu:


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Originally posted by Crescent Seven

Besides, it's such an easy song, you can stand there and dream about boobs for 5 minutes...it's like taking a break mid-set.


This is true.:D You'd be surprised that even the good-lookin' wimmins like that song.:thu:


Not that I want to play that song with my new cover band...

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Originally posted by chris-dax

way to go, Aa...don't look back...


Ditto here!

Truly terrific you reached a goal...You did well!

Now that you've gotten a taste of being compensated for all your hard efforts, don't look back unless it's for an extremely good cause!


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Originally posted by Crescent Seven

Dude, I don't know what you're complaining about, there's no possible way you've heard that song anywhere near as often as we have here in the States. You can't possibly want to claw out your eyeballs when you hear it.
Besides, it's such an easy song, you can stand there and dream about boobs for 5 minutes...it's like taking a break mid-set.


Hm, thanks for that idea. :D


Because someone mentioned it in band practice yesterday. :mad:


I tried to squelch that idea.


But if we can translate it into dancing boobies, well, hm. :D




Congrats Aardvark! So far, my only lifetime payment has been 2 free meals that were good, and free but lousy beer. :mad:


But we expect to gig for pay soon, as soon as we learn things well enough.

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